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11-07-2015 10:24:23

Well, sure, I could work with that one!
I wish it was updated more frequently, though.

11-07-2015 05:01:47

Alas, I see lots of problems with this chat system as it seems to be full of bugs.  The chat backlog doesn't buffer correctly, so using the scroll bars to view previous messages does some weird things.  Also, while it's possible to set a username, the chat system allows you to change it on the fly, so it's easy for people to impersonate others.  It's definitely not competitive with other free programs, let alone worth $10.

Take a look at the "Demo" for this one and let me know what you think.  I haven't looked at the source code, but it should be easier to integrate.

11-06-2015 12:31:20

Hi, sorry for the delayed reply!

I'd like to use this chat system:

Someone even asked about it fetching a username from the database: … nts?page=1

So, would it be possible to do that with the oekaki?
I'm not very good with php (as you can probably tell by now)

I like this one because it doesn't need custom pages.

11-03-2015 19:37:44

Note that Wacintaki already has a very simple chat client, but it's disabled by default since it's not very efficient.  Go into the control panel and look for "Enable Chat".

If you already have a chat client running on your server, integrating it into Wacintaki isn't that difficult.  You will need to know some basics of the PHP scripting language so members can be identified by name.  This can be done by going into your server's control panel (not the Wacintaki control panel), enabling the chat service, and then copy/pasting the client code into a copy of the Wacintaki FAQ page.  Most chat clients will use a lot of JavaScript and AJAX, so you'll need to worry about the HTML head section more than Wacintaki templates and such.  Depending on which chat client you're using, I could help you with this personally.  The exact details of integration depends on the brand of chat servers available to you.  Most shared servers only have one or two integrated chat systems, so your choices are limited.  If your site is based on free hosting, you may be out of luck.

If you don't already have a chat server running (by logging into your web host and running a chat process through the system shell), there's no realistic way to run a chat system without PHP/database integration, which is what Wacintaki's built-in chat is already doing.

11-02-2015 21:30:20

I was thinking about integrating a chat into the oekaki (just the code-- connecting the databases would be too hard of a task). For this, I'd need to make a custom page. It'd be nice if I could make it inherit the template. So I make a copy of the faq page and open it in a text editor and see a bunch of code that I have no idea where it's from. I can almost sort of see where the place where the faq is, but I'm not completely sure.

So, are there any tips on how I'd go about making a custom page?
Like what file to copy and edit to make one, and where to include links to these custom pages?

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