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Topic review (newest first)

04-13-2011 17:35:51

Slight update:  Wacintaki uses XHTML, not HTML, so the actual code is slightly different.

The element and its attributes must be lower case, and the element must be terminated with a slash:


<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="favicon.ico" />
04-13-2011 10:30:17

I always wanted to find the solution to this problem. Luckily this post is a heap of a help! Thanks big_smile

Rage Inflictor
01-05-2009 18:33:40

I was asked to add a how to for favicons.

1). First get a favicon, you can use sites such as this one, or you can find a pre-existing one. It's really simple once you have one big_smile. (Save the file as favicon.ico, you do not need to name it after your site.)

2). You'll need to edit your header.php, whoisonline.php, and your chatbox.php files.

You insert this:



Above the <head> tag in all of the files.

3). Then you just upload the favicon.ico, along with the newly edited files, into the same section as your index.php.

4). Sometimes you need to clear your cache for it to show up. How to do that.

It is extremely easy. big_smile

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