
About Us


Pam: Hey, it's us! Yes, we're responsible for this glorious smear on the web known as SAWFLOB!

Cindy: But SHE's more responsible than I am.

Pam: Oh, hush. Anyway, this page beholds some personal information about those of us who run SAWFLOB, how we got together, what we do here, and just in case you were curious, some personal history and other fun tidbits. This page also includes a few people close to us that have appeared in the gallery.

Cindy: In a nutshell, Pam is the director of SAWFLOB, is responsible for creating and organizing new material, and also writes up all the HTML. I work as a fill-in illustrator, assistant photographer, and also help think up some of this stuff. I do art, too, but I'm quite a bit slower than Pam is. :*)

Pam: Well, I've got more motivation, after all! Anyway, look around, enjoy yourselves, and check back occasionally, since this place is still under construction. Have fun!

