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[235] [Comment] Artist: Bobby Bushtail | Title: Clothes shopping | Time: 3h 20m
Pic #234

[View Animation]
Bobby Bushtail @ Saturday, July 12th 2008, 6:23 PM
Raymond and Rita stripetail are brother and sister ^.^ not shown is their other Raccoon sibling, Renee
Sable @ Monday, July 14th 2008, 6:01 AM
She has such a cute outfit and I like Ray's tail for some reason hehe

[220] [Comment] Artist: Bobby Bushtail | Title: Rita in Winter clothes | Time: 1h 34m
Pic #219
(Click to enlarge)

Bobby Bushtail @ Monday, June 16th 2008, 4:01 AM

[166] [Comment] Artist: Bobby Bushtail | Title: :D | Time: 2h 40m
Pic #170

Bobby Bushtail @ Sunday, June 15th 2008, 8:08 PM
Waccoon (played by Himself) and the Predator (played by Kevin Peter Hall) getting ready for a threesome with Illana (played by herself) but uh oh look whos watching... Sammy Squirrel (Played by Sean Connery) I love Chubby Chicks!!! Gimme Chubbies or give me DEATH
milknhoney @ Friday, May 12th 2006, 6:10 PM
I say yay for chubby men! :rolleyes:
Waccoon @ Saturday, May 13th 2006, 8:23 AM
That's not me! I'm way thinner now. :)

[171] [Comment] Artist: Bobby Bushtail | Title: Illana shows off her legs | Time: 1h 5m
Pic #175

ShiPainter Pro
Bobby Bushtail @ Sunday, June 15th 2008, 8:06 PM
Illana is very shy about her legs... so I told her to show them to you all and gather opinions... what do you think ^_~
Waccoon @ Monday, July 10th 2006, 7:17 AM
"It's just a game, Papa"
Squirrel @ Monday, July 10th 2006, 10:08 AM
I think she's doing it right.
milknhoney @ Monday, July 10th 2006, 2:56 PM
..Most of her legs are below the picture.
Sydney @ Thursday, July 13th 2006, 12:20 AM
No no no, her LEGS! not her legs!
milknhoney @ Thursday, July 13th 2006, 4:30 PM
oh I see

[138] [Comment] Artist: Bobby Bushtail | Title: Your turn to Strip | Time: 1h 16m
Pic #150

Bobby Bushtail @ Wednesday, July 20th 2005, 8:30 AM
I know 2 pics in a row.....sorry I had to No one else has been posting here, anyway...this is Illana a new character of mine... I tried to make her breasts look natural and under gravity's control.
Waccoon @ Saturday, July 23rd 2005, 3:05 AM
Very good!

Though in my case she'd probably pay for me to keep my clothes on. :)
Jazzpirate @ Thursday, August 25th 2005, 2:29 AM
Draw more man, I like your new style! you draw cute womens! keep rocking in the free world or something!

[137] [Comment] Artist: Bobby Bushtail | Title: Remember Her? | Time: 1h 17m
Pic #149

Bobby Bushtail @ Saturday, July 16th 2005, 7:13 AM
Think back to one of my Early Posts Try and Guess who she is ... go ahead guess.... I haven't come up with a prize yet
Jazzpirate @ Saturday, July 16th 2005, 4:21 PM
is that "willow"?

you're style has certainly improved! good to have you back!
Bobby Bushtail @ Saturday, July 16th 2005, 4:37 PM
Dang .... that fast you are correct!!!
Anonymous Veiwer 3 @ Saturday, July 16th 2005, 10:08 PM
Erm, yeah Willow.

Who the hell is Willow?
Jazzpirate @ Monday, July 18th 2005, 8:24 PM
clearly, she is! mhmm!

[104] [Comment] Artist: Bobby Bushtail | Title: No Title | Time: unknown
Pic #113

Bobby Bushtail @ Wednesday, June 23rd 2004, 3:51 PM
Oooo Ha Ha
Waccoon @ Friday, June 25th 2004, 11:34 PM
BFG! Where's my BFG?!
GlenSkunk @ Saturday, June 26th 2004, 8:32 AM
That old thing? Oh, we sold it on ebay to pay for sixteen metric tons of hentai.
Katzle @ Saturday, June 26th 2004, 9:24 AM
If that's *soggy* hentai, that's not as much as it sounds...
Zerofox1000 @ Sunday, June 27th 2004, 12:17 AM
Not used I hope!!!
Bobby Bushtail @ Tuesday, June 29th 2004, 12:02 AM
With the write Level Editer and and Pictures of Wacoon and Tawny I CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN Unfortunetly Sector Editors are over my head
Bobby Bushtail @ Tuesday, June 29th 2004, 12:06 AM
Error 1.Its Right
Error 2.Waccoon (My C Button and my Control Button and my e Button Don't Work well eversince my Dog Bit me in my balls and Caused me to Spill 7up on my Keyboard true story painfull but true)
Waccoon @ Tuesday, June 29th 2004, 1:52 AM
Lynx The White Tiger @ Thursday, September 2nd 2004, 6:17 AM

[102] [Comment] Artist: Bobby Bushtail | Title: No Title | Time: unknown
Pic #108

Bobby Bushtail @ Tuesday, March 23rd 2004, 10:12 PM
Yet another new strangely colored Raccoon of mine ^_^ her name is Skadi (Yes named after the creepy Norse goddess)

[96] [Comment] Artist: Bobby Bushtail | Title: No Title | Time: unknown
Pic #102

Bobby Bushtail @ Sunday, February 15th 2004, 3:26 AM
Its My New Charactor Willow!!! Shes an Oddly Colored Raccoon
s.b. @ Saturday, February 28th 2004, 10:57 PM
im just a lurker, but i didnt want the lack of comments to pass judgement on this drawing. i would like to see more of this Willow

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