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[482] Artist: Dm | Title: members only | Time: 3h 57m
Pic #150

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Dm @ Tuesday, June 22nd 2004, 12:56 AM
What better way to look rich than to take example from the decade of big spending. =)
Sakari @ Tuesday, June 22nd 2004, 2:15 AM
lookin' cool.
Zaku-sensei @ Tuesday, June 22nd 2004, 3:16 AM
This makes me want to play some Vice City, or at least watch some Miami Vice, great work!
Waccoon @ Tuesday, June 22nd 2004, 4:12 AM
Heh. Nothing beats the Flat-12 Red Head! `,:)
Irrelevant @ Tuesday, June 22nd 2004, 5:36 AM
would be a damn skunk to have a car like that... and in the heat too....

stray @ Tuesday, June 22nd 2004, 11:01 AM
Skunk Magnum, P. I.
Mugen @ Tuesday, June 22nd 2004, 2:18 PM
Buwahh.. awesome!
Fig @ Tuesday, June 22nd 2004, 7:17 PM
Ah, so wonderful. I love your cartoons.

One thing I would suggest. Cleaning up your lines would make a world of a difference for your stuff. It's so excellent even with the sloppy lineart, if you fixed it up it'd be even better!
Dm @ Tuesday, June 22nd 2004, 8:15 PM
I tried fixing the problem you just mentioned (mostly on Sid). You'll have to excuse my sloppiness. I tend not to be as critical on regular drawings as I am with oekaki pixel art. :P
Commissar @ Wednesday, June 23rd 2004, 12:39 AM
VAARY nice.
To be honest, I like your lineart, cause your using a really thin line and making some great work with it. You really achieved some nice detail.
Mugen @ Wednesday, June 23rd 2004, 12:56 AM
I see no sloppy lineart. Only style and hawtness.

[468] Artist: aribat | Title: reclaimed | Time: 1h
Pic #128

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aribat @ Saturday, June 19th 2004, 10:29 PM
its my body now....
Amble @ Sunday, June 20th 2004, 12:21 AM
This is nifty. I like the pose.
Tekno @ Sunday, June 20th 2004, 1:27 AM
Hey wow, I really like this character design & tattoos.
Just work on smoothing the line art and its perfect. g/j
SoreThumb @ Sunday, June 20th 2004, 1:50 AM
Naughty and also, yes, great Tattoo designs. o_o! Very sultry. :D
Endeavour3d @ Sunday, June 20th 2004, 2:49 AM
wow, that's just....awesome, the pose, the tattoos, the wings, everything!
Mohan - [Homepage] @ Sunday, June 20th 2004, 6:45 AM
This rocks. Very nice indeed.
Xod @ Sunday, June 20th 2004, 7:32 AM
Xod likes such a decorated erotic body... >;p~
aribat @ Sunday, June 20th 2004, 11:01 AM
thanks all! ^^ this is suposed to be a study in reclaimation, as in what peopel often do to reclaim their bodys after sexual abuse, rape, or just a lifetime of negative images projected apon them by society. by pierceing, tatooing, and branding, they make their body compleately theirs and reclaim it from those who have tried to sully it.
Satbast @ Sunday, June 20th 2004, 10:49 PM
The only thing I don't get is how tattoes would show on a furry...Branding, yes..but tattoos would be covered once the fur grew back. But then, I'm far too literal. This is very pretty! As for the reclaiming thing..I don't know about that.. I just know that if my body is my temple, sometimes I just have to redecorate. ^~.~^
aribat @ Monday, June 21st 2004, 12:54 PM
i know... i've tried to reconcile my love of tatoos with the fact that i do furry art but.... well best i can come up with that its like a perminant fur dyeing and the fur just grows that color after its done. :P

[415] Artist: Dm | Title: Double-Sided | Time: 2h 30m
Pic #43

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Dm @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 4:04 AM
His name is Jarred.

Whoever came up with the phrase 'Macs never crash' never used my mac. :P
katoryu diethel @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 6:00 AM
good idea, i really like how that look!!
Nibiki @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 8:21 AM
Haha, that's pretty awesome.
Carl @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 9:42 AM
H-h-e'll put-t strychnine in the g-guacamole. Cool pic.
Tha_Pig @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 10:47 AM
Split personality? I love this picture!
Corax @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 12:14 PM
I know the feeling: it's so hard to decide what to do when you're on vacation!
GlenSkunk @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 1:37 PM
Wow, this is very nice. The pose is very good and the expressions are spot on, but what I really find interesting is that each side has a different style - while the left side is softer, livelier and more subdued, the right side is far edgier, far more brutal and deadly. It makes for a very interesting contrast, one I've seen very few artists do. Great work!
SoreThumb @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 2:15 PM
Wow. You are a talent master. Both are just incredible. The beach scene, the shading, the change in shading.. the fire.. Wow, man, wow. O_O
Fig @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 5:04 PM
That's crazy! I'm really in love with this oekaki. Cheers!
No one in particular @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 5:37 PM
I'll say this much for him... He ain't no fuckin' gator.
Dj MetALIKat @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 8:29 PM
wow! thats how i feel at work. left side how i have to treat people, right side how i want to treat people.
Tizz neat!!
SoreThumb @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 10:07 PM
If he's not an alligator, is he a crocodile? X3;
Commissar @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 11:10 PM
Jarred? Like from subway? Cause that would be an interesting twist... This pic is awsome.
Waccoon @ Thursday, June 17th 2004, 12:37 AM
"Where were you at the time of your husband's alleged murder?"

"Allegedly turning Norman into chopped liver! WHACKITY WHACK!"
Sabine @ Thursday, June 17th 2004, 10:36 AM
The more I look at this, the more amazed I am by it. This is a seriously masterful example of cartooning. Funny, well drawn, beautifully colored, great concept . . . . I tip my hat to thee, sirrah!

[411] Artist: Corax | Title: for Adam | Time: 5h 58m
Pic #26

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Corax @ Monday, June 14th 2004, 10:26 PM
...just because. :3
Satbast @ Monday, June 14th 2004, 10:49 PM
Riding crops are the best. ^~.~^
Waccoon @ Tuesday, June 15th 2004, 1:20 AM
This looks SOOO cool! Orange/green isn't a combo I would've though worked so well.

Nice work, everyone. The overall quality of art around here has really improved as of late. Now to get more porn. ;)
Corax @ Tuesday, June 15th 2004, 1:22 AM
*BLUSH* Aww thankies! I feel loved.
SoreThumb @ Tuesday, June 15th 2004, 3:55 AM
Wow.. this's sweet. O_O
katoryu diethel @ Tuesday, June 15th 2004, 11:14 AM
niceee the colors are really greats and the dress look really pretty!
Surey neko @ Tuesday, June 15th 2004, 4:21 PM
great color choices... I love her shape and her look , perfect proportions and wonderful shading!!! Great job COrax!!
Azraphale @ Tuesday, June 15th 2004, 7:11 PM
*smile* I love it. Love it, love it...

I can't wait to see that scene mirrored by real life. *smiles big*
Corax @ Tuesday, June 15th 2004, 8:07 PM
You naughty boy! *pinches cheek*
Dm @ Wednesday, June 16th 2004, 1:03 AM
Nice. I am still stupidfied by how well some of you folks can use the watercolor tool. =)
Dj MetALIKat @ Thursday, June 17th 2004, 10:39 PM
She has butt like Stella from the daft punk movie!

[397] Artist: Carl | Title: awww | Time: 2h 37m
Pic #293

Carl @ Friday, June 11th 2004, 4:18 PM
I have no clue. It turned out cute didn't it? Pbbh. What a way to spend the last day of skool. Mmkay. Oh, and as much as I hate the watercolor brush, I hate leaving a blank background more. (Watched 3 episodes of MST3K douring this + a 2004 interview) Thanks.
Carl @ Friday, June 11th 2004, 4:25 PM
Now that I think about it, I only watched 1.5 (the end of: Jack Frost and all of: Attack of The Giand Leeches (w/ short)) and the interview.
ersatz @ Friday, June 11th 2004, 6:13 PM
That's so freakin' cute! I wanna freakin' freak on this! FREEEAK!!

...And I mean that in a GOOD way! Seriously, draw more stuff here! Eet ees vahry GUHD!
Jambone @ Friday, June 11th 2004, 7:02 PM
I can see it now:

“Coming soon in summer of 2004, the most moving romance ever: The Russian General and the Furry.”
Cloven @ Friday, June 11th 2004, 7:41 PM
Girl: Have you seen my bra?
Red: In soviet russia, bra wears you.
j/k :P
Carl @ Friday, June 11th 2004, 9:59 PM
Yah see, the movie Jack Frost is a Russian/Finnish production with a host segment featuring a Yakov Smernov impersonator... so, you know more than you think you do. X3
starpixie @ Friday, June 11th 2004, 10:41 PM
She looks unhappy and sad. :(

I really really like this.
Commissar @ Tuesday, June 15th 2004, 10:50 PM
Furries and Russians - there is no way in the world I can argue with this pic! Wonderful!

[392] Artist: Mugen | Title: Bothan BEYOTCH! | Time: 5h 36m
Pic #268

[View Animation]
Mugen @ Wednesday, June 9th 2004, 2:12 AM
A slightly more mature looking Bothan lady.. still in the works!
Mugen @ Wednesday, June 9th 2004, 5:12 AM
Hmm.. I think this is most suiting for a character picture. I'm done.
Jazzpirate @ Wednesday, June 9th 2004, 5:37 AM
Renshu @ Wednesday, June 9th 2004, 5:51 AM
That's absolutely gorgeous! The blood splattery BG was excelently done, and the shading makes her look like she'd be in some old 486 game. XD
Al @ Wednesday, June 9th 2004, 7:39 AM
How you render so well in these crappy Java apps is beyond me.
Z!P @ Wednesday, June 9th 2004, 1:02 PM
It's funny. I swear I never saw a bothan prior to playing that godawful Star Wars: Galaxies. I may be blind, but it could be that I never cared for the trilogy much...
Dejection @ Wednesday, June 9th 2004, 1:27 PM
Hair shading > you
Waccoon @ Wednesday, June 9th 2004, 1:32 PM
Dammit, quit posting! You're going to fill up the archive all by yourself! ;)
Mugen @ Wednesday, June 9th 2004, 2:54 PM
*steals the archives* Muhaha!

But no.. I don't think a Bothan was ever actually in the trilogy, though they DO mention them (somebody posted it on my other pic.. the one about dying bothans). I play one in a mud, because they get an incredible slicer bonus, and stealing ships and hacking bank accounts is MY FAVORITE.

Thanks for comments everybody. :D
Lando @ Wednesday, June 9th 2004, 9:52 PM
You sure there weren't some Bothans wandering around in RotJ? Maybe on the bridge of one of those Mon Cals...

[377] Artist: Skamp | Title: 1954 balair | Time: 4h 1m
Pic #248

Skamp @ Friday, June 4th 2004, 1:50 PM
Gotta re-do it.. Im not done either...
Fig @ Friday, June 4th 2004, 6:57 PM
Damn, mate! Pixel art rocks my world.
Zac @ Friday, June 4th 2004, 8:17 PM
Oh shit, son! This rocks.
Zaku-sensei @ Friday, June 4th 2004, 8:23 PM
I used to have an 82 Belair,
didn't look anything like this one,
this is really cool.
balki @ Friday, June 4th 2004, 9:52 PM
i love this so much!
Commissar @ Saturday, June 5th 2004, 12:39 AM
Wow, ur going for some extreme geometric accuracy there. I don't think I could even have the patience...
Dm @ Saturday, June 5th 2004, 2:13 AM
Another top notch pic. You is da pixel art guru! =)
Dejection @ Saturday, June 5th 2004, 2:47 PM
Johnny Electric @ Monday, June 7th 2004, 1:08 AM
Irrelevant @ Tuesday, June 8th 2004, 1:28 AM

[365] Artist: Dejection | Title: Im not dead! | Time: 6h 49m
Pic #215

[View Animation]
Dejection @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 10:41 PM
Just a picture to say I'm not dead. Haven't oekakied in a long time, haven't oekakied Dej in even longer. HAY GUYS.

(Edited on June 2, 2004, 3:27 am)
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 11:05 PM
Awesome! Cant wait to see it finished. I missed your stuff here!
Fig @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 1:38 AM
Sure looks like you improved! The hair looks fantastic and the shading is a good add.
Huns @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 4:45 AM
hay guys

what's going on in this thread
SoreThumb @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 7:13 AM
Roffle. o_o
Frito @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 9:07 AM
SEXXAY! Glad to see you draw again.
Nibiki @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 12:25 PM
Haha, this made me laugh. Great work, Dej! I <3 you too.
Mugen @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 2:45 PM
Wow, this is great! It looks like you've made a lot of progress since I last saw you post anywhere.. supa cool.
Schlaghund @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 3:13 PM
love the new artwork dej boots lot beter then normal ... would relly hurt geting steped on though i thihhnk, and those clear eyes ... hehe brilliant .. -Schlag
Waccoon @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 4:16 PM
How in the heck do you manage to draw so damn well without a rough sketch?!
Al @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 5:13 PM
I always thing that too when I see some of these animations! AND without using a tablet!
Al @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 5:15 PM

I found the answer by myself didn't I?
Dejection @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 7:56 PM
I would do a rough sketch if I had a tablet or normal mouse but it's next to impossible with a trackball.

Woo! Archived!
Fig @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 9:20 PM
For some reason, I like to use a rough sketch on oekaki and never on paper.
Corax @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 9:55 PM
Trackball???? Holy fuck on a st-*faints*
Satbast @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 10:47 PM
Redheads rule. I love the sword. ^~.~^
Ninja Ben @ Thursday, June 3rd 2004, 12:44 AM
y halo thar buttsecks
Xod @ Thursday, June 3rd 2004, 12:53 PM
Is it true that your new character is a satyr? I love satyrs! >:D
Dejection @ Thursday, June 3rd 2004, 1:38 PM
Yes, XOD! It's true! I shall draw her next.
Sabine @ Thursday, June 3rd 2004, 2:44 PM
OMG, really?
I just created a donkey-satyr character, DOOD!!!
Tekno @ Friday, June 4th 2004, 9:04 AM
TEH SEX!!!!1
Irrelevant @ Tuesday, June 8th 2004, 1:34 AM
no. yes for some things, but in all, feh.


...but no for some things -.-

[361] Artist: Satbast | Title: Jaws..? | Time: 1h 7m
Pic #209

Satbast @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 2:29 PM
Hullo, s'me..I'm teh NEW. ^~.~^
starpixieistoolazytosigninAGAIN @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 2:31 PM
It's YOU! WOW!
katoryu diethel @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 2:37 PM
heyy that's cute XD, welcome heree ^-^
Sabine @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 2:50 PM
No one in particular @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 3:58 PM
Greetings and salutations.
Murphy @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 4:06 PM
You do some of the cutest/hawtest stuff ever. I lurk over at Fearsome and I love your work!
Cloven @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 4:16 PM
eeeee that's the cutest!
Fig @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 4:35 PM
I know you from Fearsome!

Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 6:34 PM
Boobs= Good!
Welcome to the board! I look forward to see more of your artwork!
Dejection @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 7:10 PM
Yay, Satbast. *lurks at Fearsome, too*
SoreThumb @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 7:44 PM
That is the cutest thing that ever tried to scare me ever. :3! <3
dragonfly @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 8:32 PM
Oekaki Naked!

You know you want to. All the /cool/ people do it...
Jambone @ Tuesday, June 1st 2004, 10:48 PM
It's.... A TABLET!
leon wolf @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 5:11 AM
wow, the cuteness and detail to this actualy draws my attention AWAY from her boobs! so cute :3
Al @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 6:35 AM
You know I'm so glad I got the "Apple Mac" colour Graphire II (white, light grey and clear plastic). The standered colour for a Wacom is shockingly bad.
Dejection @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 1:22 PM
I want a tablet. I draw decently with the trackball mouse I use now, but it takes too damn long.
leon wolf @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 3:44 PM
the only tablet problem i've ever had was when the pen broke in half, luckily god invented duck tape and all was well..... also i think im in love with this wild cat thing ;D
Jambone @ Wednesday, June 2nd 2004, 8:08 PM
I rarely use my tablet, mostly because I need to turn the mouse sensitivity down to nothing for it to draw good looking lines.
Irrelevant @ Tuesday, June 8th 2004, 1:37 AM

[350] Artist: Dm | Title: Baddies | Time: 2h 33m
Pic #191

[View Animation]

Dm @ Sunday, May 30th 2004, 12:59 AM
See folks? The robot always wins. Cause robots are made of metal and are strong.
Xod @ Sunday, May 30th 2004, 3:31 AM
Being fat and shooting laser can even destroy a powerful robot though... Great drawing DM! >:)
Cloven @ Sunday, May 30th 2004, 9:08 AM
*promptly buys robot insurance*
Eric @ Sunday, May 30th 2004, 9:38 AM
Metal Slug 3, right? Heheheh. I want that game...
Dj MetALIKat @ Sunday, May 30th 2004, 11:55 AM
Every body run!! ROBOT!!
...Oh It was just a toy....THIS TIME!!
SoreThumb @ Sunday, May 30th 2004, 12:00 PM
Yeah, I was like, 'Shit, I've SEEN these aliens SOMEWHERE!".. but yeah. It seems robots may always win. :o
Metal Slug is awesome. Quick way to burn my no-practice quarters. <:p
Xod @ Sunday, May 30th 2004, 6:10 PM
I wish they would put Lynndie England as a playable character in the next Metal Slug game! <:)
Irrelevant @ Tuesday, June 8th 2004, 1:40 AM

(boring content)

[336] Artist: shitgiggles | Title: I can see | Time: 15m 51s
Pic #172

shitgiggles @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 7:19 AM
cast your gaze upon me
leon wolf @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 9:35 AM
cast my eyes? by the look of her she needs to borrow my eyes. :P this leaks awsomeness!
Fig @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 10:01 AM
I wish her fingers were a little more defined, but the blood makes up for it.

Great work with that snow background, contrasting the colors of the pale woman bleeding.
Dewprisms @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 1:38 PM
This is a superbly done oekaki! I love the linework and the coloring is fabulous as well.

Someone get that girl a bandaid!
Reverend Samu3l K - [Homepage] @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 2:17 PM
This is spooky. Like, Silent Hill spooky. I like it.
Dj MetALIKat @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 9:33 PM
Reminds me more of Fatal Frame.
Xod @ Friday, May 28th 2004, 6:42 AM
Nice drawing, she looks bloody and sexy... Did she make a bloody ritual? >:)
No one in particular @ Friday, May 28th 2004, 7:54 AM
You see, THIS is what happens when you run with scissors.
Fig @ Friday, May 28th 2004, 2:12 PM
Bugger King knows how to give good critique!
Corax @ Saturday, May 29th 2004, 12:48 AM
"When Oedipus hear the news, he was really nonplussed--
he didn't hardly know what to do with himself, and rushing to her side
In a fit of grief,
He took the rhinestone barettes from her hair, and put out both his eyes;
And when he had put out both his eyes,
He kind of wished he hadn't...
And he cried out to anyone who'd hear: 'My eyes! My eyes! ...Now what'll I do for eyes?'"

And yes, I know this is a she, but 'Oedipus Tex' (brother of the legendary Rex) was the first thing that came to mind. It's a lovely drawing, by the way.
Tha_Pig @ Sunday, May 30th 2004, 6:37 PM
This could be great for those commercials: "for red, dry eyes...."

[334] Artist: Mugen | Title: Sail the seven ISPs | Time: 2h 58m
Pic #161

[View Animation]
Mugen @ Wednesday, May 26th 2004, 2:57 AM
Safety save.
Cloven @ Wednesday, May 26th 2004, 6:47 AM
Holy crap this is incredible! *head explodes from the sheer awesomeness*
Corax @ Wednesday, May 26th 2004, 9:47 AM
Period costume! Ooh!
staroixieistoolazytosignin @ Wednesday, May 26th 2004, 5:20 PM
That reptile is the sex.
Mugen @ Wednesday, May 26th 2004, 5:57 PM
Have you heard about the newest threat on the seas? A crazy pair, an amazing duo. They say one is a komodo dragon with a big scar across his face, and the other one is this rat-woman with torn-up ears and brown and white fur. They're fast, smart, and they've got an eye for riches.

Apparently, they're the best goddamn team there ever was.

(I think I'm done. :D )
Zaku-sensei @ Wednesday, May 26th 2004, 6:35 PM
Wow, I think your done too, fantastic work, I really like your style of characters, and this just has a great overall feel to it.
Al @ Wednesday, May 26th 2004, 7:08 PM
Hehe! Ever considered making a web comic. I could be wrong but I think there's a shortage of pirates in comics. Also you would have a ready made fan base to start off with :)
Cloven @ Wednesday, May 26th 2004, 7:55 PM
*puts on a tricorn hat and eye patch, adopting a groggy pirate voice* Fly our flag, we teach them fear! Capture them, the end is near! Firing cannons, they all shall burn! Surrender or fight, there's no return.
Dj MetALIKat @ Wednesday, May 26th 2004, 9:00 PM
awsome!!!!!! awsome to the max!!
Johnny Electric @ Wednesday, May 26th 2004, 11:32 PM
Miellaby @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 6:07 AM
I dare a rude criticism.

The way you draw the chin of this rat-woman is excessive. I thought it was a bull. Remove this single curved line in your future pieces and you'll get a authentical rat.

Now kick me hard in my ass.
Miellaby @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 6:12 AM
Of course, you perfectly know how to draw a rodent thingy like the one in this VCL Image: new_shawnrat.png

Now I go and play with trucks on the highway.
Jazzpirate @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 6:16 AM
that really is friggin amazing work, the style, the attitude, very neat.

SoreThumb @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 1:18 PM
Nonono9, I agree with Miellaby (sp?)..
Also, I don't know how it's possible to have an amazing crew.. of.. two people. Don't call me on this one! If it was a Pirate RPG, they could be L100 and do the job of other.. 15.. party members. o_o
Dewprisms @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 1:29 PM
I'm sure they have a crew. DUH. They're just the leaders. My god. You really need to take a 'take the stick out of my ass' pill.

Anyway, Mugen, this is awesome as always. I love your shading and linework, and I love the design of your characters. The strong jaw does make the female look a little maleish, but that's okay, it still kicks my ass.
Mugen @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 1:59 PM
Miellaby, it's funny that you say she looks like she's got a bull-chin.. since my last like, twenty drawings have been minotaurs. :P I don't doubt that contributed, but I do kind of have a thing for manly chins. ::laughs:: And I know you can't really have a crew of two people, but I drew this because I had a dream of me and my friend (me = rat, him = komodo) being notorious pirates. It was a really, really cool dream. :3
Mugen @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 2:01 PM
And, of couse, thanks everybody for all the comments! Feedback is the best thing ever.
Nibiki @ Thursday, May 27th 2004, 5:10 PM
Haha, you rock. I love your linework. And that sounds like fucking AWESOME dream, indeed.
SoreThumb @ Friday, May 28th 2004, 10:39 PM
Dew, you take this *way* too seriously. o_o;
Dewprisms @ Saturday, May 29th 2004, 8:51 PM
Being an asshole for no reason when critiquing someone's ART, or being an asshole at all, isn't merited at all. I'm not taking it too seriously, you're just being a fucking jerk.

Once again. NICE WORK, MUGEN. ;D

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