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[697] Artist: Dejection | Title: Diedre | Time: 5h 19m
Pic #438


Dejection @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 5:32 PM
This is my old character Diedre, I'm sure most people on this board haven't been around long enough to remember her. Anyway...I'm tired.

(Edited on July 26, 2004, 9:09 pm)
Fig @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 5:47 PM
I like your lines a lot.
No one in particular @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 5:51 PM
Ooh! Sultry.
Dewprisms @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 7:59 PM
Dej, you draw the hottest stuff. I lurv you.
No one in particular @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 9:13 PM
After watching this be built through out the day... you, madam, kick ass.
Johnny Electric @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 9:19 PM
Oooh! Very pretty.
Quick Brown Fox @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 12:06 AM
Nibiki @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 2:28 AM
Cool, cool. I like the colors on the character, and the body in general. Nice work! The only thing that bugs me is the emptyness of the background. Either way, nice job!
Dejection @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 2:41 AM
I keep making my canvases too big. D:
Tekno @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 3:12 AM
<tounge falls out trying to comment>
Man, thats...its...gawsh, really.....
...shaved pubes...Uh I mean, I like it lots. The hair is incredible too.
Waccoon @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 3:36 AM
Your ability to interpret space is amazing. I can't draw a damn thing without a million rough sketches and a ton of cleanup.
Dejection @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 3:43 AM
Meh. I sometimes do rough sketches on paper before I start on oekaki. It's just nearly impossible to do a rough sketch, since I use a trackball mouse to do all of my artwork...It's physically impossible. If I had a tablet, I'm sure I would, but I've done it for so long that sketches just don't seem to be needed. That's why I erase so much in my drawings. o.o

What happens to pictures that get archived, by the way?
RooCat @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 8:50 AM
*Fap* =d
Fig @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 9:19 AM
I agree with Nibiki, the background is tacky and probably would have been better if you just left it a solid color and centered her.
Katzle @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 10:46 AM
That arched back pose is really well done!
ChuckSux @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 12:26 PM
I'd hit it!
drme @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 3:42 PM
nobody seems to have noticed: what the hell are those little circle things?
Dejection @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 6:34 PM
Centered. :P

I always forget about the copy tool. The original background I had is the same I have on all the character profiles on my website, but I can just add it back in later.
No one in particular @ Monday, August 2nd 2004, 5:05 AM
Looking back at this, I have to say... that is some truly massive hair. I mean, it's HUGE!

[695] Artist: Surey neko | Title: 20s harlet | Time: unknown
Pic #450

ShiPainter Pro

Surey neko @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 4:43 PM
Finally finished!!! I hope you all enjoy it!!! Please comment!!!

(Edited on July 27, 2004, 12:40 am)
Corax @ Monday, July 19th 2004, 6:45 AM
Fumbling with her tits and thighs does nae sound like such a bad thing, aye? ;)
SoreThumb @ Monday, July 19th 2004, 11:32 AM
Just looking at this picture's told me that you've improved tons and tons.
Tha_Pig @ Monday, July 19th 2004, 2:38 PM
I love fumbling with tits... and I love your artwork. Color it, please!!
drme @ Monday, July 19th 2004, 7:49 PM
what a great 1920's outfit, so art deco
SoreThumb @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 5:23 PM
Mighty pretty. I haven't seen much,b ut I have to say this might be your best so far. Congratulations.
Tha_Pig @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 6:01 PM
Nice color job!!!!I love the niples! yum!!!
Dejection @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 8:08 PM
Everyone is making such cool stuff in shi painter, I might have to try it. This looks like a painting.

[689] Artist: Waccoon | Title: Perpetual Masturbation Syndrome | Time: 1h 41m
Pic #431

Waccoon @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 5:09 AM
I really would love nothing more than to cuddler her cheeks, to suckle her bush, to screw her silly...

But, I won't. I just... can't.
melancholic @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 6:11 AM
WTF? Whats the hold-up?

Its a good thing she's part of your psyche because if this was a real female masturbating right next to you, she'd have left to find another penis willing to get rammed into her.
Fig @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 8:43 AM
Poor guy.

She's like Xod, one of the insane bastards who grin while they masturbate.
Miellaby @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 8:45 AM
Can you describe this syndrom more precisly? I'd like to understand
Sabine @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 12:27 PM
@ Fig: I know! Who here has a huge grin on their face when mastrubating/screwing?

Poor wac *cuddles*
Dejection @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 2:54 PM
Wac, your stuff is the cutest ever. EVER.
Anonymous Veiwer 3 @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 10:58 PM
It all depends no the situation and what I'm thinking about. Certain things that pass through my mind make me grin in a not pleasant way. Rape, murder, dead babies . . .

Wac, that's why you have leet art skillz, right? So you CAN slip her the old bone, at least in pictures.
Waccoon @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 2:24 AM
Archived?! This pic was supposed to be a theraputic release. Are you trying to give me nightmares, Sabine? ;)
Miellaby @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 2:44 AM
Why a therapy?
Sabine @ Tuesday, July 27th 2004, 12:49 PM
I can un-archive it if you want ^_^

I just think it's great, as is all of your stuff.
sharp shooter @ Saturday, August 7th 2004, 8:25 PM
um...she taken?

*stands in the long line*
Anthrosaurian @ Friday, April 8th 2005, 4:41 AM
Sabine: I Smile all the time when i masturbate, and yes I am insane...insanely horny...all the time...

[676] Artist: Calli | Title: bad wolf | Time: 11h 5m
Pic #418

ShiPainter Pro
Calli @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 7:23 AM
little red isnt afraid of the big bad wolf anymore...

curiosity got the best of me and i had to try this shi-painter. pretty spiffy.
Amble @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 7:33 AM
Oh, my lord. This is too cute for words.

Is this the follow-up to your picture on Akira's board?
RooCat @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 10:02 AM
Mugen @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 10:04 AM

<3 to the max.

But seriously, I love your drawings. Please stay around. :D
Fig @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 10:08 AM
I reconize you from Aki's place.

Very smooth.
SoreThumb @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 10:24 AM
Man. That red is sexy. :3 You are kicking much ass. :3
Complication_5 @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 10:57 AM
That is
Sabine @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 12:49 PM
I love red riding hood imagery, ever since I played her one year in the community theatre.
drme @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 1:42 PM
a link to akira's would be nice...
Tha_Pig @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 2:20 PM
Too awesome for comments!!!!!
No one in particular @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 5:30 PM
The wolf looks like he's trying to stop himself from laughing! Everytime I look at this, that's the first see, not the cheesecake, not the amazing detail and coloring, but the snickering wolf.
Mugen @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 5:31 PM
666 minutes nooooo!
Dm @ Friday, July 23rd 2004, 6:50 PM
'You better eat me like it says in the book Mr. Wolf'

666? It's a sign...
Katzle @ Saturday, July 24th 2004, 11:56 AM
He looks all embarrassed, like "Eeek! I can see her underwears!!" And she's all like "GirlPower!" Very cute!
CyborgSunglasses @ Saturday, July 24th 2004, 10:03 PM
Perhaps I like the character interation more than the art. (I don't mean the art is crap, I love that too.) There's just so many little convos that come to mind when you see it. Very cool.
Ninja Ben @ Monday, July 26th 2004, 10:51 PM
Hi Calli <3

this is the coolest picture ever

you should draw them again except having hawt wolfsex

[654] Artist: Dm | Title: No Title | Time: 5h 22m
Pic #396

ShiPainter Pro
[View Animation]
Dm @ Tuesday, July 20th 2004, 3:58 AM
My first and quite possibly last attempt to make an image using only the line tool.
Oh and this fellow name is Nine and he wants to be your friend...really.

(Edited on July 20, 2004, 7:47 am)
Dejection @ Tuesday, July 20th 2004, 5:57 AM
Way cool. This animation is ungodly long.
Fig @ Tuesday, July 20th 2004, 8:33 AM
You are amazing!

Lovely metal effect. It feels blocky.
Nibiki @ Tuesday, July 20th 2004, 8:36 AM
I love you. So very, very much. This is awesome.
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, July 20th 2004, 3:55 PM
Awesome! Is the... Termigator!
Miellaby @ Tuesday, July 20th 2004, 4:28 PM
Your style is so omogeneous & balanced. You'd be really perfect to draw a whole video game. Do you ever think about contributing to a free-software game project?
SoreThumb @ Tuesday, July 20th 2004, 6:40 PM
You did THIS, with ONLY the LINE tool!?
You deserve my deepest respect. Amazing.
No one in particular @ Tuesday, July 20th 2004, 9:44 PM
You, sir, kick more ass than can be gathered in most rooms.

And he ain't no fuckin' gator.

...I love that quote.
Carl @ Tuesday, July 20th 2004, 10:27 PM
This was awsome before, but with the background it truly is "supahcool".
Brentos @ Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 3:52 AM
Aw man I love your stuff the most. This is what would happen if Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did anthro-toons. I've always wanted to see a Marvel-style universe where all the characters are toons. Seeing things like this gets me going.
Stan Lee @ Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 4:15 AM
Hey! Someone mentioned me! I just love the sound of my own name. Yes I agree with Brentos, you two should team up someday and make a comic or something. I say this because that Brentos guy really seems like a smart feller. He's really down to earth and humble too! I can't say enough good things about him. His vision combined with DM's art would be the biggest thing since The Thing. It would be a marvelous team-up! 'Nuff said!
Stan Lee @ Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 4:20 AM
Oh yeah, this pic is deadly! Is he an alligator?
RooCat @ Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 2:02 PM
Excellent stuff DM =) great background too

Stan Lee?! Here?! ...Nah can't be..
Brentos @ Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 2:37 PM
That may or may not have been THE Stan Lee but I strongly suspect many famous creators lurk here. I could give reasons why I think so but rather just say "why wouldn't they?". it's a popular site and worth looking at.
Tha_Pig @ Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 4:35 PM
Of course, very famous people lurk here. I'm one of them!
Huns @ Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 4:55 PM
too bad draconis is in the marines pointing at iraqi dicks, he'd love this
No one in particular @ Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 6:17 PM
Now Pig, that is an out and out lie.

You don't lurk!
Amble @ Thursday, July 22nd 2004, 6:24 PM
I should have commented on this earlier. Anyway, it's fucking awesome, as usual. The blocky style and slick shading reminds me heavily of Sly Cooper.

[648] Artist: Seraph | Title: Some Suave Jackal | Time: 1h 12m
Pic #390

ShiPainter Pro
Seraph @ Monday, July 19th 2004, 1:00 PM
Looks kinda piratey don't he?
Waccoon @ Monday, July 19th 2004, 1:51 PM
Aha! Mugen has competition, now! Super sweet. :)
Brentos @ Monday, July 19th 2004, 2:29 PM
Holy ****! I swore out loud when I saw this. Wicked wicked wicked!
Zaku-sensei @ Monday, July 19th 2004, 2:50 PM
Reminds me of some kind of rock celebrity, very cool
Mugen @ Monday, July 19th 2004, 3:45 PM
Oh snap, that's pretty hot :O competition for the high seas, indeed!
Endeavour3d @ Monday, July 19th 2004, 5:37 PM
that's just shockingly cool, Seraph, you are one of my faves
Sabine @ Monday, July 19th 2004, 8:51 PM
*weeps salty tears of unabashed joy*

RooCat @ Wednesday, July 21st 2004, 2:11 PM
*Builds a statue of Seraph* XD

[627] Artist: Seraph | Title: Bounce | Time: 1h 9m
Pic #369

ShiPainter Pro
Seraph @ Friday, July 16th 2004, 10:11 AM
For a good friend of mine, who is, undenyably, one horny little bear.
Fig @ Friday, July 16th 2004, 1:04 PM
Ah, lovely. Her body is very full and such quality in the figure!
nimbus @ Friday, July 16th 2004, 1:32 PM
OOOOOO...I LOVE this lil bear..I know, I know..I thoughtit was a goat at first...but anyway...she is soooo cute...qonderful colours and shading as usual...(quietly jealous)
RooCat @ Friday, July 16th 2004, 1:41 PM
Thats some jaw dropping artwork
<:[ ]...0
love that full figure =)
K @ Friday, July 16th 2004, 3:26 PM
Xod @ Friday, July 16th 2004, 3:53 PM
I want to run after her and catch her! >:D
Satbast @ Friday, July 16th 2004, 9:25 PM
Wow ^o.o^ I think this is my new favorite of your work..! ^~.~^
ChuckSux @ Friday, July 16th 2004, 10:05 PM
*rimshot* ;) Nice ass, too.
Surey neko @ Saturday, July 17th 2004, 12:20 AM
the hair is gorgeous and so is the figure... I love her expression too!! good job!
ersatz @ Saturday, July 17th 2004, 2:15 AM
This pic makes all my previous instances of happiness seem so insignificant now. This is, truly, a wonderful expression of natural bliss. Please say you'll draw more.
Waccoon @ Saturday, July 17th 2004, 2:25 AM
Everything is wonderful about this picture, but what I really like are the feet. Really. I find feet fucking impossible to draw -- moreso than hands.
0706 @ Saturday, July 17th 2004, 1:48 PM
Wow! that's just awesome, I agree with Waccoon....and I envy your feet drawing skills!
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, July 17th 2004, 7:18 PM
This is one of the sexiest furries ever.... (and she is horny too)
Lorelei @ Sunday, July 18th 2004, 7:00 PM
Oh my freakin' god you DREW ME...! AAAAHHHHHHHHH-!

I LOVE it. :D~~~You've captured the essence of my ass and hips and I ADORE you. Can I have your children? Can I just TRY to have your children? I LOVE-

[607] Artist: Sabine | Title: Sabine Collage | Time: 1h 19m
Pic #349


Sabine @ Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 9:54 PM
Not finished, but I like it so far. Except the upper left panel, it bugs me.

(Edited on July 14, 2004, 9:55 pm)
Amble @ Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 9:57 PM
That is a sexy back.
Mugen @ Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 9:58 PM
I say, that is a sexy Sabine.
Sabine @ Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 10:01 PM
My aunt took a bunch of pics of me, so I feel sexy. I guess it reflects.

iM 2 SEXy 4 mY AFr0!!!!111

(Edited on July 14, 2004, 10:02 pm)
GlenSkunk @ Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 10:02 PM
Very nice work you have here Sabine! The collage makes for a very interesting effect, strangely comic-like. It really provides a good view of you (and would make an excellent reference for Sabine), and looks pretty good in just black and white! *snicker* What's to come next from the wonderful Sabine, I wonder?
Sabine @ Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 10:05 PM
Well, I stole the collage idea from Nibiki, but thanks!

I am debating whether or not I want to color this, actually. I wish we still had the same slot/separate slot option BUHUUUUUU.

Oh, and Wac, I have had to recover every one of my images, because every time I send an pic, it makes my browser stop working. It did it on Caves board for a while, then stopped, then we switched boards and I didn't have any trouble, but now it's back. Is this probably just a problem on my end??
Al @ Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 10:36 PM
I like this! ... but then I have a thing for girls backs. And with or without a tail, that's a nice back! *dribble*

Nibiki @ Wednesday, July 14th 2004, 11:42 PM
Dude! Your collage is really very lovely. Very stylish and pretty. Great work, Sabiine.
Waccoon @ Thursday, July 15th 2004, 2:22 AM
Probably, because NoteBBS and Poteto use very different methods for submitting pictures. I've cleaned out all the "bad" POST code, so it really should work. Try a different web browser.
Tigr3ss @ Thursday, July 15th 2004, 3:22 AM
You're very pretty =3 But you have SUCH a spooky look on your face in that photo :x

And this drawing is cool, 'specially that earshot =)
brentos @ Thursday, July 15th 2004, 4:02 PM
Spooky is always good, all you need is some antenae and butterfly wings and you'd make a good Bondage Fairie. And that don't look like no factory rolled ciggarette! You naughty naughty girl.

[538] Artist: Jazzpirate | Title: MagicMan | Time: 4h 35m
Pic #251


Jazzpirate @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 12:11 AM
...and for my NEXT trick!
Amble @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 12:26 AM
Ahaha. That's a nifty lighting effect!
Jazzpirate @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 12:36 AM
thank you! :)

oh, and the time is lying to you, I spent a big chunk of time playing that hexic or wahtever that MSN game is.
CyborgSunglasses @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 2:26 AM
Love the fire and the BG. Bulgie eyes are cute.
Cloven @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 7:07 AM
Ha ha Jazz this is so sweet! Take that punk! *fwoooooosh* Reminds me of this once in Toronto I struck up a conversation with a chinese-blooded fellow on the corner of queen and bathurst, turns out he was a fire eater and gave me an impomptu demonstration of his fire blowing ability...a few min later we see a cop car coming in our general direction and panic, but luckily the bus came by before it got close enough to see and we got on and crossed our fingers. :P
Brentos @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 1:44 PM
I love how you went all cross-hatchy with the water colour tool. The effect creates an illusion of movement to me, which puts 'time' in the pic. And for that whole time his head is just getting roasted. Excellent technical skills plus real good vision. Oh yeah!
Cloven @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 5:33 PM
If Devinguy would spike up his hair and I get my hands on a tuxedo tail coat, we could do this pic for real. :P
Dm @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 6:51 PM
Excellent watercoloring skills!! I especially love the effect with the fire. Looks very authentic.

[533] Artist: Brentos | Title: Hard Days | Time: 18h 57m
Pic #236

[View Animation]

Brentos @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:16 PM
Hi! My first picture here. I clicked 'animation' so I'm really hoping I can finish it when I get more beer. I'll explain it all when it's finished. IF I can that is. I'm still new to all the tools and functions here. Here goes...
Jazzpirate @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:40 PM
wow, this is lovely! can I earn a square? Ill love you SO hard! *thrust*
Amble @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:49 PM
Wow, this looks great already. Especially Xod's. :D

Can't wait to see it finished!
OnionBob - [Homepage] @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:55 PM
Brentos @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:57 PM
Wow, thanks you guys! usually I have to wait a week to get a comment on the Wacintaki. Not that I'm complaining though, it's a perfectly fine goofy cartoon board. And yes, it looks like I can finish it, which was my biggest concern. And both of you are already planned out to be in it. Oh yeah!
Al @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:59 PM
Who’s the handsome guy with the long hair and the chipped tooth? :)
Brentos @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:12 PM
It's Xod. But don't worry, you're in there too.
Brentos @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:14 PM
Oh wait. you said long hair. I guess that gag was pretty lame. Never mind. But yeah it's you!
Al @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:15 PM
oooo ZING!
ShadowWalkerInc @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:43 PM
:pokes a square:
Waccoon @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 6:08 PM
Hmm... either I'm wearing a baseball glove, or Tawny is desperately and unsuccessfully trying to give me a BJ.
Pryo @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 6:42 PM
oh oh !! can I get a square too... =) tho noone knows how I look like
* thinks of a nifty icon* maybe u can make me one LOL.. this pic is great...
Brentos @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 6:42 PM
it's not you, it's Xod. They're all Xods. *another zinger from The Brentos Institute*
Nibiki @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 6:47 PM
Oh, dude! It's me, I theenk. Below Figgy wig! Haha, this is a neat idea. I like it a lot.
Cloven @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 7:53 PM
If I could get a square I'll love you long time, longer than Jazz :P
Dm @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 8:05 PM
Wait I get it! This is a player select screen! Choose your fighter!!

All kidding aside, welcome to the board Brentos. :)
Xod @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 8:11 PM
Hehe, awesome drawing Brentos! I like them all! And Fig looks particularly hot! Awesome! >:D
Oh, will you draw your mousey girl again? >;)
Xod @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 9:11 PM
I know how Pryo looks like. >;)
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 9:29 PM
I love it! I'm glad you are here Brentos, keep posting.
SoreThumb @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 9:54 PM
Wait, who's that guy below Xod? o_O
Amble @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 9:58 PM
I believe that's Miellaby. Rambo-style, even!
Cloven @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 10:06 PM
If it's a player select screen UltraWill's robot with the clip on tie sooo has to be in there.
Amble @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 10:55 PM
Cloven, I think that's Zaku-sensei's robot you're referring to. But yes, it would be t3h awsum is he was in there!
Zaku-sensei @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 11:19 PM
thanks for comparing me to UltraWill though, he kicks so much.
Fig @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 11:52 PM
Hah! This is gonna be so cool!
CyborgSunglasses @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 2:04 AM
Well, doesn't this just rock. :) Hope to see it finished.
ShadowWalkerInc @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 2:13 AM
XOD! :pounce: hehehe
Cloven @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 6:51 AM
shit, well you both rock so much I got confuzzled. Yes, zaku's robot, with his arms crossed in some sort of Mr. T "you pick me and you already won the match" attitude. :P
As well, who's character is that in the top most middle?
Brentos @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 9:23 AM
hiya everybody, I'm going to avoid commenting here until I finally get it finished at which point I will explain who they all are and why I chose the characters I did. At first I thought twenty squares would be more than enough but there's just so many artists on this board. There are numerous people here who wont be in this one. I made a list and I'm sticking to it. the list is based mostly on the luck of the draw so apologies in advance.
Satbast @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 10:32 AM
OoooOoooh! ^o.o^ I think I see me! Looking good, Brentos! I'm all excited to see it finished now.. ^~.~^
No one in particular @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 10:55 AM
Top-most middle? Looks like Pig witha knife.
Amble @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 2:16 PM
YAY! It's me! Although my hair is a bit shorter than that. But THANK YOU, Brentos! eeeeeeee
Brentos @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 2:25 PM
Whew. I'm so glad you can see it. I hit send and the work I just did wasn't appearing for me, even in a different window. I clicked 'back' and it was still there so I clicked send again but still nothing. I ended up clicking 'back' and drawing that line at the top to make a slight change and clicked 'send' again and BAM it was there. But I can tell from the time of your comment it was there all the time. Things like this freak me out. Imagine inking out an entire comic page on paper and just when you're finished it suddenly disappears. These are the things that keep me up at night. *relief*
onionbob @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 3:50 PM
Hi, you don't know me but I'd love to shamelessly get in on this too if you're willing. It's cool if you're not though. It's just cool when people draw Thom; pictures of whom can be found at :I
Brentos @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 4:22 PM
It's STILL not done! When it's finished you guys are going to be like "Doh! I KNEW I've seen those squares before!", or something... I hope.

Onion Bob, what a good gallery. I know that I've never seen it before because I would have remembered it. Deadly expressions and some really good compositions. That's my favourite kind of cartooning you got there. Oh yeah!
Jazzpirate @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 4:22 PM
bottom left corner.... is that ME???
onionbob @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 5:02 PM
Very kind of you Brentos. I have to say you have nailed the kind of drawing that I really like, too.

My drawing is connected with my comic, Run Like Hell, whose site is down right now, but will be back up in a few weeks, as my degree is over now. I just need to get some drawing done.
Tigr3ss @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 5:48 PM
I should spend more time here XD
Pryo @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 6:45 PM
lol this is soo cool.
you and me both... LOL I want my pic up there with all the squares...
Satbast @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 7:33 PM
Heehee, its kinda reminding me of that game, Guess Who..Y'know, where each side has a bunch of people, and you ask stuff like "..Is it a guy? Does he wear glasses?" etc etc, to narrow it down... Anyhow, I'm still loving it. ^~.~^
Amble @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 7:35 PM
Jazz, I think that's based on your Valentine's Day drawing.
Cloven @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 10:04 PM
Judging by the golf cap, I'd say yes. Who else here wears one? Just like I'm the only one that wears a top hat or...umm...Al has bangs that covers his eyes. :P
Jazzpirate @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 12:40 AM
gyaaaaa! I KISS YOU ALL! thanks! :P

*pelvik fekkin thrust*
Brentos @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 12:59 PM
Finally done! I'm sure many of you will recognise what I used for a reference now. Besides the 19 reference pics I printed off trying to catch everybody's likenesses. it seems many of you guys and gals don't really have likenesses (or as anthro-artists call them, 'fursonas') which is a shame. It's always really cool to see yourself suddenly show up in someone else's comic. Where I couldn't find your likenesses I chose characters drawn by the respective artists. I'm hoping I didn't inadvertantly chose other people's characters which just happened to be drawn by you guys. The VCL is set up in a cool way that every pic has a comment by the artist which makes it easy to determine an artist's likeness. Deviant Art should follow that lead I think, it would make this easier for newcomers like my self. There's just so many people here! A very hoppin' happenin' place. Anyhow, here's the list...

JOHNS: Moku, Satbast, Tha Pig (ironically...), DM and Cyborg Sunglasses.
RINGOS: Waccoon, Carl, Xod, Al and myself.
PAULS: Amble, Lizard Cath, Pyro, Fig and Seris.
GEORGES: Jazz Pirate (whom for some reason I thought should have a scarf...), Eric, Oz M, Nibiki and Mugen.

Oh yeah!
Amble @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 1:09 PM
Haha, brilliance! I really appreciate the insane amount of effort you put into this.
CyborgSunglasses @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 3:23 PM
Brentos... I love this, but that's Tekno, not me. We share the same PC for the net and he logged in as me durring the brawl... Thanks for the thought, though. <love>
Mugen @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 3:37 PM
Quite fucking awesome!! I do love the group pictures.. I should do one.. e_e But ironically enough, I have a puzzle of this picture (well.. you know, the real beatles one) on the desk next to me! The way you have taken all these poses and made them into oekakiers is absoluetly brilliant. :D You will go down in Deep history, fo' sho!
Dm @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 6:58 PM
Damn! I'm impressed, even moreso with the amount of time it took you to do it. I don't think I ever seen an Oekaki pass the 1000 minute mark. If this was a real album I'd head out and buy it right now! =)
CyborgSunglasses @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 9:38 PM
Why not make it a real album? Lets all get our art together and publish it with this cover, with B's permission, that is. ;)
Pryo @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 11:15 PM
omg is this sooo awsome... i love it *safes* draw more... hehe i would attemp to try but I cant really draw... LOL great work =)
Nibiki @ Thursday, July 8th 2004, 11:54 PM
How awesome is that? Haha, I love it. Great work, and thanks for including me!
ArmedWithLuck @ Friday, July 9th 2004, 12:04 AM
Very nice. I probably should draw my avatar sometime.. Never did him on Smut, and haven't done it here.

(Edited on January 6, 2005, 9:46 pm)
Jazzpirate @ Friday, July 9th 2004, 12:54 AM
Im HOT! look at my head! :D incredible work there guy! *humphump*
UltraWill @ Sunday, July 11th 2004, 12:31 PM
Wait wait wait. Dd you say I drew the clip-on robo? I make up everything as I go along, Ultra-bullshit style...Zaku knows what he's talking about!

[531] Artist: Waccoon | Title: No Title | Time: 1h 44m
Pic #235

Waccoon @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 2:24 AM
Of course, few could see the REASON for the back-up.

Stupid ricers.
Amble @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 2:35 AM
Haha, YES.
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 2:49 AM
I laughed my ass off!
Mugen @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 3:05 AM
Tennis ball green snowplows! Hehe.. yay Waccoon!
Dm @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 3:12 AM
Silly ricer! Kits are for kids! =)

Reminds me of the riced rides I've seen at the Summer Nationals. It's just weird seeing them setup inbetween classic hotrods.
Dm @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 3:15 AM
Also wanted to say that you're better at this than I am! =)
Nibiki @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:57 AM
Hahahaha. That's so awesome.
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 2:07 PM
What's wrong with eating a lot of rice?
Carl @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 3:31 PM
I just hate the crappy little aftermarket rear spoilers that people put on. Actually, the downforce created by some of them on Porche 911s caused the vehicle to super-wheelie at high speeds. Youse guys draw such cool little cars...
Mugen @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 3:39 PM
Hahah, man.. this one is so good too.. I just had to come back to it.. the funny thing is, my roomie has those big fins on the side of his front bumper like that.. aguh! And his sideskirts are about that big, too.. x_X;; Hahaha, super!
Cloven @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 4:21 PM
I drive an old chevy car that's 1 year older than I am, 'cuz I'm not chav (actually, just poor) :P
Jazzpirate @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:13 PM
hmmm. something must be wrong with my firefox here, cause that pic rigth there for some reason shows up as an old pic I did a LONG time ago on this board. weird.
Amble @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:19 PM
Jazzpirate, the oekaki rolls over every 300 pics. Clear out your cache and it should be fine.
Jazzpirate @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:25 PM
ding, didnt even have to, it just worked. lovely pic there! lol, love the drivers expression!
balki @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:50 PM
wow! I love the colors
Waccoon @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 6:05 PM
@Carl: Yeah, few people realize that most of your downforce comes from the chassis underpan and the front air dam. Rear spoilers are only for cutting turbulance and adding stabilization at insane speeds.
CyborgSunglasses @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 2:01 AM
The orange and the neon green go so well together in this picture... <sits back and laughs>
spy @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 4:58 AM
Remember kids! NOZ is for experts ! >:]
Satbast @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 10:36 AM
Mm..Weenie roast. ^~.~^ I know nothing about cars aside from I love my little '90 celica.
Al @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 12:35 PM
Gah! I hate these guys… well I hate the ones around here. I live in a shit-hole, so what most of the retards around here can afford is shit. So you can expect early nineties Ford Escorts with bad gloss paint, stupid looking spoilers and the over use of decals. The stupid fuckers used to drag them along the beach road until they put down a lose chipping surface. Thing is you can make a crap car cool with a lot of money (the famous Lotus Lada comes to mind but these guys make shit cars look worse.
Waccoon @ Wednesday, July 7th 2004, 2:42 PM
@Al: You think that's bad? In downtown Woonsocket (where all the Portuguese settle), they don't even paint their cars. They all drive harlequin beaters with rust and badly warped fiberglass patches with wings. Some don't even have matching rims -- or hubcaps.

I'd love to rebuild and rice out my K-Car wagon, though. :)

[527] Artist: Dm | Title: griddlock | Time: 5h 36m
Pic #225

[View Animation]

Dm @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 1:33 AM
Nuthing like some bumper to bumper crusin in a saturday night. =)
Mugen (another comp) @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 2:08 AM
::sits and waits for finish:: ;-;
Dm @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 3:02 AM
Ya know I was gonna add a couple more characters, but I haven't a clue who. Suggestions?
Amble @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 3:17 AM
How about Murray, in Sly Cooper's getaway van?
Xod @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 4:49 AM
The monster truck can pass over the rest of the cars easily... >;)
Great drawing, you draw very nice cars! >:D
Cloven @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 6:51 AM
Heh how about Mr. T's Van or the Back to the Future's Delorian? :D
Zaku-sensei @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 1:26 PM
I really appreciate your mastery of the different car styles and shapes, very nice.
CyborgSunglasses @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 2:32 PM
Dude, that's awsome.
SoreThumb @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 4:06 PM
HEy.. Hey.. I knowt hat car at the front! :O It's NIGHTRIDEr, isn't it!? :O .. no? :o
Cloven @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 4:50 PM
Actually that reminds me of a vehicle I saw in York back in 2000 when I was in was an east indian woman that was driving a tiny car that, seriously, was about as big in proportion to her as that yellow car is on Wac.
Mugen @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 8:39 PM
AWESOME! *holds up traffic* XD
Mugen @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 8:48 PM
Damnit, here I go again, posting multiple times on one of your drawings..! This is so super cool.. you have such a mastery of drawing cars.. the shading and the everything. And the MP3 looks so sly! Super cool, as always.
Amble @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 9:07 PM
Holy shit. Those solids WIN.
Waccoon @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 10:24 PM
Damn, that Impreza is SWEET! I have no idea why Subaru shrunk the fog lights on the new cars. The new Impreza looks so conservative. Anyway, maybe I'll just go offroad to beat the traffic...

I saw a real classic Mini (the green car) at an antique show a few weeks ago. The original minis look more like go-carts in real life.
Azraphale @ Monday, July 5th 2004, 11:15 PM
As always, top-notch auto caricatures. I love your sense of proportion and style, and it's always easy to know exactly which car you are drawing. Lovely!
Nibiki @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 12:26 AM
Haha, I love this. You and your car-drawing abillity. Haha. Awesome.
Waccoon @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 2:58 AM
Yeah, and he makes it look so @&$#'n easy, too!
balki @ Tuesday, July 6th 2004, 5:49 PM
great job!

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