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Also, be sure to check out DTP's longest-running series: LUST

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[8017] Artist: WinterWeirdo | Title: She didn't even mask the skirting boards | Time: 32m 47s
Pic #5172

Chicken Paint
WinterWeirdo @ Sunday, January 16th 2022, 3:04 PM
If some weird girl wanted to repaint my living room she could, cause I painted it once and I did not have fun.
pinderhooks @ Saturday, January 22nd 2022, 11:34 AM
that does sound a bit tacky but I mean hey, a free paint job is a free paint job!
Brentos @ Saturday, February 5th 2022, 4:32 AM
Work is for shmucks. I hope you told her to go wild.
Tha_Pig @ Friday, February 25th 2022, 1:26 AM
I painted my own room with skulls when I was a kid. :D

[8016] Artist: Brentos | Title: Sakana X-Mas 21 | Time: 28m 6s
Pic #5171
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, January 8th 2022, 6:14 AM
balki @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 2:17 PM
Is there a way to chat with you? I would love to do that. I don't really have social media but I do have an e-mail and a cellphone ahaha
Brentos @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 4:44 AM
I just messaged you here at this website, checkout your mailbox :D

[8015] Artist: Brentos | Title: Waccoon X-Mas 21 | Time: 45m 25s
Pic #5170
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, January 8th 2022, 5:42 AM
Waccoon @ Saturday, January 8th 2022, 7:23 PM
Is the only thing better than winning the Internet being gifted the Internet?

Pragernant. The gift that keeps on giving.

[8014] Artist: WinterWeirdo | Title: So dogs just want to go to the beach | Time: 2h 9m
Pic #5169
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
WinterWeirdo @ Friday, January 7th 2022, 4:00 PM
I drew this on my cheap 11 year old trust tablet that I keep under the couch. One of the most under used things I bought last year had be my wacom which I just can't get into using it.
Brentos @ Saturday, January 8th 2022, 3:20 AM
lol Tango looks so awesomely haggard here it's official: she's one of my favourite comic characters now. But for some reason I was still thinking she's a cougar. That's just me though, I definenately see her as wolf-like now...
balki @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 2:06 PM

[8013] Artist: Brentos | Title: Pinderhooks X-Mass 21 | Time: 28m 18s
Pic #5168
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Sunday, December 26th 2021, 5:38 AM
pinderhooks @ Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 10:41 PM
Well it's pretty cool, but I couldn't figure out why Bruce Willis was trying to kill those CGI muppets :v TBH I don't care for those guys' music but I did like watching the animated parts at least! Thanks for the link and yes, I am glad that you're nice to me :P
Brentos @ Saturday, January 8th 2022, 3:35 AM
The Gorillaz have a very long and convoluted back-story. I've been kind of trying to keep up with it since I started listening to them in Taiwan but there's just so many gaps. There's some good videos out there trying to explain it. The Black Clouds are some kind of secret society trying to kill the band for some reason. One thing I've noticed that no one else has seemed to clue into is that the creepy guy with the long snout is Murdoch's alter ego, he even says it in this video where he says "I had to gas 2D out". The story is quite meta and has lots in common with Lust, it doesn't always make sense...
Brentos @ Saturday, January 8th 2022, 3:55 AM

I love this video because it reminds me of my first car, a 1970 Cutlass Supreme which I used to on occasion drive like total psycho.

(Edited on January 8, 2022, 5:18 pm)

[8012] Artist: WinterWeirdo | Title: Misfits want contraband for Christmas | Time: 26m 25s
Pic #5167

Chicken Paint
WinterWeirdo @ Friday, December 24th 2021, 4:26 PM
I didn't use my wacom to draw this because it's up in my office and it's to late in the evening to turn on the heater so I pulled my old trust tablet from under the couch and found one of my birds had done a stealth poop on it.

My birds give me fertilizer for Christmas.
pinderhooks @ Saturday, December 25th 2021, 7:00 PM
Meanwhile, I've made it past the police without dying of something illegal for Christmas. I hope we all manage to make it another year without being arrested, killed, or exposing ourselves, and meet back here again in just 365 short days to try to do it all over again! Merry Christmas :D
Brentos @ Sunday, December 26th 2021, 1:07 AM
You should move to Canada where you can own a gun and still have health-care. From your comments it sounds like you live in a real hip and funky place with lots of CRAZY goin'-ons! Pinder's comment would make the best Queen's Christmas Message ever!

[8011] Artist: Brentos | Title: Balki X-Mas 21 | Time: 2h 4m
Pic #5166
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, December 18th 2021, 6:50 AM
balki @ Monday, December 20th 2021, 2:33 AM
Haha! Omg, you seriously captured me here! No lie, this is what I look like. Though my chest is probably unfortunately bigger than that haha, I'm trying to shrink 'em. Love you man!!!!
balki @ Monday, December 20th 2021, 2:51 AM
I'll watch that link and get back to you after I watch it...
balki @ Monday, December 20th 2021, 3:38 AM
The video didn't work...
Brentos @ Tuesday, December 21st 2021, 9:16 PM
Oh my this IS a hard one to type out! I was about to give up and post the link when I suddenly figured it out. Hint: it's not the question mark (some keyboards have two question marks) and the k is small so it's not those so I'll give you a hint. I'll say again, I'll give you a hint. I'll let you figure it out. I'll bet you can get it. I'll check back later to see if all is well :gamer: :P
balki @ Saturday, December 25th 2021, 3:48 AM

When I put that in it said "video isn't available anymore"! :O
Brentos @ Sunday, December 26th 2021, 1:36 AM
Okay I'll stop torturing you >:D The third-to-last character isn't the number one or a capital letter i, it's a small L! It makes me think about how coders deal with this kind of thing, I bet it's caused lots of down time in the tech world over the decades. I hope you like this mysterious video with the mystifying code... You're gonna be all :what: :duh: :/ and then :o
balki @ Sunday, December 26th 2021, 4:11 AM

lol ok, I see it now, but holy crap idk why but this video terrifies me. Maybe it's the diving in mud and not knowing what's going on or maybe because I've seen one too many Russian videos where crazy shit goes down and someone ends up dead at the end. Haha Omg, though. :o

[8010] Artist: Brentos | Title: Weirdo X-mas 21 | Time: 54m 58s
Pic #5165
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, December 11th 2021, 6:24 AM
WinterWeirdo @ Friday, December 24th 2021, 3:45 PM
Fun fact Charlie the unicorn was first link my boomer mam ever tried and managed to send me.

And it left me with a fear that unicorns would steal my kidneys.
Brentos @ Sunday, December 26th 2021, 1:49 AM
I know everybody on the planet has seen Charlie The Unicorn but I hope you watch the whole thing because after all this time they've made the grande finale, which takes up most of this video. ;)

[8009] Artist: Brentos | Title: Pig X-mas 21 | Time: 1h 2m
Pic #5164
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, December 11th 2021, 5:07 AM

[8008] Artist: Brentos | Title: I Can't Even See! | Time: 1h 38m
Pic #5163
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, December 4th 2021, 7:16 AM
Brentos @ Saturday, December 4th 2021, 6:15 PM
CRINGE! I can't even! It's like I was trying to do a serious pic or something. I WAS trying to do a serious pic!! Nice boots though. They go nice with the matching bikini which is all the rage in Paris this year. Oh look I drew a couple of bones too. And scribbled something in the sky... I should draw her in this get-up more I think it looks great if you ask me.
balki @ Monday, December 20th 2021, 2:29 AM
She's beautiful, or "bootyfull" pardon the pun :D
pinderhooks @ Saturday, December 25th 2021, 7:09 PM
d'oh, I was thinking she was wearing gogo boots but they turn out to be a more practical, but less sexy alternative! Although, I will admit that this footwear is much more suited to skulking around the jungle and hiding out from UFOs :cool:
Brentos @ Sunday, December 26th 2021, 1:56 AM
Xod likes his demons stomping around the island barefoot but Credence is such a rebel maybe she'll start wearing this more often!

[8006] Artist: Brentos | Title: Love For Sale. Come On And Try It. | Time: 1h 41m
Pic #5161
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, November 20th 2021, 6:52 AM
Brentos @ Saturday, November 20th 2021, 7:36 PM
LOL I make some cringeworthy drawings sometimes. The whole time I'm drawing it I'm like Fuck yeah this is the coolest shit I ever done!
pinderhooks @ Sunday, November 21st 2021, 10:24 AM
The line between Cringe and Cool is a very fine one, and I would argue that there's a lot of overlap between the two :') Anyway I think it's pretty badass, doing a buck naked "You shall not pass!" pose holding a katana in front of an erupting volcano! I'd be surprised if it WASN'T the coolest shit you've ever done!
Brentos @ Saturday, November 27th 2021, 2:39 AM
:lol: Now I'm thinking what WAS the 'coolest' thing I've drawn, probably not much! I'm thinking for some reason the drawing I did of my Deazle character fighting the banana while his truck Stonewall is rolling down the hill, it just looked 'cool' to me but except he's fighting a giant floating BANANA!! You see what I'm saying mutha-fucka? I always gotta have something CRINGE in my stuff! It's like I do it subconsciously or something. I think the Sandinista album cover spoof I did here counts as cool, or any time I do something actually funny that's always cool. Most of my stuffos is crinjos.
The other day I went to grab a new pair of work gloves and the 'inspector' number or the 'assembler' number or what ever you call it was X-66 and I thought that was pretty cool but what does that have to do with anything you Deep Thinking Pervert?!?!??
balki @ Monday, November 29th 2021, 10:00 AM
I love her!
Brentos @ Saturday, December 4th 2021, 6:19 PM
Of course thanks for the nice comments you guys but I just thought of something: The Age Of The Stretchty Legs!!! People walking around with really long legs...
balki @ Saturday, December 25th 2021, 3:53 AM
I'd give anything for longer legs. lol my Dad is 6'3" and my Mom was 5 feet, I got the short end of the stick. I always wished I was 5'8" but I'm just under 5'3", just my luck!
Brentos @ Sunday, December 26th 2021, 2:53 AM
LOL the more you describe yourself the more giggity I get :gamer: I'm 6'4'' and weigh like 350 tonnes and it sucks bigtime. I can barely shift gears in my Land Rover with my five-foot legs and that's with the seat backrest taken out. Other people just squat down to weld or whatever but I gotta get down on my knees to do stuff and then hold myself up with one arm or I literally tip over! The world is made for 'short' people let me tell you!
balki @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 2:23 PM

If you want to see what I look like, especially when the board was active. Here you go. Prepare yourself for film school cringe, though! I did this in college.
Brentos @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 5:24 AM
lol it's a good little movie! You're a great actor and have that kind of Amy Winehouse presence that makes the show! I see no cringe at all. It makes me wonder if famous actors ever feel cringe when they see their old stuff because I bet they do. But to make this a REALLY good movie I'd have you packing an AK-47 the whole time for no reason, you'd be like changing a mag and re-cocking it in the first scene and then just having it slung over your shoulder for the rest of the movie but I'm weird :P

[8005] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 374 | Time: 4h 56m
Pic #5160
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, November 13th 2021, 5:14 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:38 am)

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