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06-04-2006 04:43:18

I'm looking into this, now.  The default brushes are pretty straightforward, but I haven't quite figured out how to change the languages.

06-03-2006 15:16:48

Ren wrote:

right after i updated the board i noticed that Shi Painter's tool now don't have a name like they used to.
Instead of "tools""colour and mask" and whatnot i can only see "window 1, 2 3, etc." and right in front of Upload, Float, Redo, Undo etc. there's a "s" O_O

I've got the same problem, and as a matter of fact I had it a year ago too when I first installed Wacintaki 1.x (just didn't bother finding out how to fix it back then, as the board in question board was already dying). I couldn't find any language files in the or anywhere else in the  I just downloaded the files from the Japanese site though, but I've no idea where to place them and how. Any help would be extremely welcome.

(wanting to translate shi-painter to my native language, but can't do that without the languages working ;_;'.

06-02-2006 15:54:46

Hmm... Seems like the issue resolved itself. o_o I've had some issues with my database that are still going on, and since the script is working now I'm assuming it was purely a database error.

Thanks for all the help though. ^^

06-02-2006 05:53:36

No no...  not yet.

When you try to delete someone, it takes you to the part where it displays the name and e-mail, and prompts for "Delete?" and "Send Reason?", right?  In the url, you should see a number for the member, such as "usrname2=82".  Is the number there, or blank?

After you try to submit that form, it redirects you to the user delete screen, but the member is still in the list?

What bugs me is that a member's ID is used for the delete, not the name, so this can't be an apostrophes issue.  I'd like to know if the fucntions file is actually getting the ID at all, or if there's a database problem.

You wouldn't happen to know if you're using MySQL 5 as your database, or is it version 4?  MySQL 5 has been giving me a ton of problems -- there's quirks all over the place.

06-01-2006 15:32:55

I thought it was an apostrophe issue at first, but I realised that can't be it since it won't delete -anybody-, no matter who I choose.

I did update instead of doing a fresh install. You reckon I should try backing up my database and edited files, remove and then reinstall freshly to the newest version right away?

06-01-2006 06:13:21

@Sadil:  Are you trying to delete anyone in particular?  I sure hope it's not another stupid apostrophes issue.

@PokéJungle:  The new one just doesn't refresh as often.  On the products page, click "Changelog" under the screenshot to get more detailed information on recent changes.

05-31-2006 16:58:44

I'm not having any problems, just like to say all my members love the new Community Paintings big_smile  Coloring contests now =P

Anyways, why the new 1.3.1 Who's Online file?  Was there something wrong in the last one?

05-30-2006 13:18:38

That doesn't appear to be the problem... Is the delete function working properly otherwise on different boards? +Has no clue+

05-29-2006 18:09:00

That's strange.  Try this new functions file.  Maybe your version of PHP isn't  changing words to numbers correctly.

05-29-2006 07:28:48

I can't delete or reject members on my oekaki all of a sudden. When a new member registered and I manually reject them, they're still added to the database as an accepted member. I also can't seem to delete them using the "Delete user". I get no errors, it just doesn't do anything.

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