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08-21-2006 02:34:16

Great news! Thanks for the update smile

08-20-2006 19:59:00

Not to worry, I found what was causing the problem.  Something wasn't being initialized properly.

08-20-2006 03:30:55

It was for updating Oekakipoteto. smile
I guess what I'm hoping for ( to help others as there are so many installations around of Oekakipoteto) is just a sentence in the readme for instance to say that if pictures do not display due to no file extension (maybe as a troubleshoot question?) search for fixtypes.php on the forum.

08-19-2006 21:34:45

Well, that depends if the updater actually returns any errors, as opposed to just "not working."

I think this happens when updating OekakiPoteto, rather than an older version of Wacintaki.

08-19-2006 08:06:23

Thanks for youre reply. I kept a back of my database tables for Oekakipotato5.x as well as the dbconn.php (and other files) suggested in the readme.html.  Perhaps if I make another installation of Oekakipotato5.x using these details in a different folder (and table names) I could try and see if I can reproduce the error again? smile

08-19-2006 07:29:28

People occasionally tell me about this problem, but I have yet to reproduce it.  I'll add some more debugging to the updater, so maybe someone can tell me what part of the code isn't working.

Fixtypes does use a slightly different tecnique than the updater, though.  I should probably unify them.

08-19-2006 03:36:43


I only just found out about this yesterday and hot-footed to upgrade my installation of OekakiPotato5.x. Thank you very much for continuing to develop the script! smile The install went without too much of a problem, except at the end with regards to the file extension type - which was fixed easily using fixtypes.php. As it appears to be a relatively common problem, perhaps it would be a good idea to include it within the next release and or at least include some words in the documentation about where to find fixtypes.php if necessary.


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