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08-02-2009 20:11:58

Frankly, MySQL isn't a very stable database.  It's very popular with hosting services, but it's not as stable as PostrgreSQL, MySQL's major competitor.

Table corruption is very rare, but it does happen.  When it does happen, the database flags the table as "dirty" so it won't accept any more data until the table has been fixed.  After it's fixed, it should work normally.  So long as the table works after the repair, your board should be okay, and there shouldn't be any need to re-install the board or something like that.

A few years ago, people where having similar issues with the "online" table, which tracks who has viewed the board within the last 15 minutes.  That used to drive me nuts, and the problem has disappeared with new versions of MySQL.

08-02-2009 10:45:15

Referenced code:


    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM {$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix}oekakilog");
    if (intval (mysql_result ($result, 0)) > $log_max_items) {
        $result = mysql_query ("SELECT ID FROM {$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix}oekakilog ORDER BY ID LIMIT 1");
        if ($result) {
            $log_del = intval (mysql_result ($result, 0)) + 4;
            mysql_query ("DELETE FROM {$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix}oekakilog WHERE ID < $log_del");

I found what seems to have fixed my problem for the oekaki... but I don't know if it'll happen again.

I tried to find suggestions for why "mysql_result():" may come up and one of the suggestions struck me... and made me ask why I hadn't thought of that.

"Why not try running the SQL code directly on the database and see if it errors. If not, then you know the SQL is correct, you just have to work on the php coding."

Well I know the PHP is right or it would have done this immediately... or on every page... But the idea of running the query in phpMyAdmin directly was a good idea.

I'm glad I did. Trying to run the query (actual member prefix in place of the code to insert it...)


SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM {$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix}oekakilog

Resulted in a find...  I found that the table "oekakilog" was "marked as crashed and needs to be repaired".

I found the SQL in the install file to recreate the table via phpMyAdmin directly, and now I don't get any errors when I update Rules or the Banner.

Crisis over... However, I worry about what may have made this happen in the first place. I'd rather not have to drop and recreate the log table every few days, so I just want to ask: Should I be worried about it happening again soon or do you think it was just a random event?

*edit* I should probably note that I only went on to keep searching when the new common.php file you sent didn't change anything... Long and round about, but at least I did find what happened. Still concerned about how it happened.

08-01-2009 23:57:40

I think there's something weird going on with your server, or the installation didn't go right for some reason.  I'm modifying the log file code now and I'll send it to you, shortly.

07-31-2009 08:14:22

I've sent out the php file attached to an e-mail as requested.

I hope it's not that extreme either! I've had to fix the database once, but that was my own fault on the forum and I was glad I didn't have to involve the help desk. lol

I have three different host accounts and this is the only one giving me any errors like this.

07-31-2009 04:18:34

I understand the error, but not why it's being returned.  What bothers me is that for v1.4.2, line 311 of "common.php" doesn't call mysql_result().  If this was an updated board, it would make sense that the "common.php" file is simply the wrong version.  But, for a fresh install this shouldn't happen.

Do you think you could send a copy of the current "common.php" file to my e-mail address?  Line 311 really shouldn't be returning this error.  My e-mail is here.

At any rate, this error is associated with the log.  The log is updated every time you modify the header, notice, or update thumbnails.  The log is updated last, so if there's an error, it won't cause any changes to be lost.  It simply prints an error instead of redirecting you back to the board.  Once I know what's up with the "common.php" file, I'll send you a new version that will give us some more specific information about what's wrong with the log.

And for note, I mentioned it happening on the phpbb RPG Board because if it's not code-related and it may be Database-Related since it happens there too, I was hoping someone could help me settle this all around.

It's possible that the server is patching some extra code into the PHP files.  That would cause a few issues with headers on multiple forum systems.  I've seen this happen before, and it would explain why the line numbers aren't matching up.  The last time I saw it, it was because the server was infected by a virus.  Hopefully whatever is going on here isn't as extreme.

07-30-2009 02:08:02

I hope this is something simple, and I've tried to include as much info as I can. I apologize in advance if I've rambled more than I needed to. @_@;

Fresh Install of Wacintaki 1.4.2 and everything was going fine for about 2 days.

( )

The odd thing about my little problem is that the same thing happens on the one RPG Board to which I've Modified so heavily I'm afraid to touch the code anymore. (Original phpbb2 Board.) It's also primarily from an Administration POV on the oekaki as no users have complained of anything showing up like this when they do anything so far.

This wasn't immediate, and I haven't altered any code in the files and removing all code from the banner and Rules pages don't keep it from showing up.

When I changed the thumbnails from Scaled to Uniformity, I chose to rebuild all thumbnails since there weren't that many images and slow rebuild doesn't really matter much since it doesn't do it every time.

The same thing happened as when I updated the Rules and changed the Notice.

I get a white page with SQL Errors. However, just as when things get changed on the phpbb Profiles, it still goes through. The Updated Rules went, the reworked Notice went, and the thumbnails were all rebuilt. But I had to go back to the main URL to make sure.

This is what shows up for the oekaki board:


Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/dnatamer/www/oekaki/common.php on line 311

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dnatamer/www/oekaki/common.php:311) in /home/dnatamer/www/oekaki/common.php on line 229

Judging by the error, it's somehow getting the Header Information twice and can't figure out what to do with it.

Is there some way to quash that from showing up? As I said, it's still working to change what's being changed, but do you know if maybe there's something that I may or may not have done at some point that made this start.

Mostly I just want to know if there's something I should alter or if there's a reason that may fix this through code or if it's just a Database issue I may have to talk to my host about.

I use and they have support for pretty much everything. There's not much I've found that cannot me installed and run through one of their hosts. They also will assist you if there's something that may be Server-Side that might need changed or tweaked.

And for note, I mentioned it happening on the phpbb RPG Board because if it's not code-related and it may be Database-Related since it happens there too, I was hoping someone could help me settle this all around... these errors are kind of visually annoying, even if I know everything worked anyway. It's just slightly more annoying here as it stops and there's nothing but an error code, on the forum, at least, it auto-redirects and still shows the page with the errors shoving the content down two feet.

Actually, I just tried to update my profile on the RPG Forums and I realized it says the exact same thing, "Cannot modify header information - headers already sent"... just a different file.

Thank you~...

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