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04-14-2006 00:45:30

That worked a charm. Thanks

04-09-2006 07:36:06

In the section of your web site where you set up the MySQL database, there should be a tool to assign permissions to a database user.  Make sure the user "dmbh" has the following permissions:


These are required to add fields to the database.

If it still isn't working, let me know what permissions you do have.  Almost all default database users have these permissions, but I might have to change the updater so it can cope if "SHOW_VIEW" isn't available.

04-08-2006 23:46:43

I just updated my board to the newest version 5.5.7, and I get this error. However, the user and password is correct.

MySQL: Access denied for user 'dmbh'@'localhost' to database 'dmbh'
MySQL: Access denied for user 'dmbh'@'localhost' to database 'dmbh'

STOP: Cannot add avatar field to database. Check the database connection and run the updater again

What is going on. I know my db works, as I have 3 boards running on the server.

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