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11-16-2009 01:41:08

Just as I thought, nothing is being received by the server at all.  It appears that OrgFree has disabled all file uploads completely.

Sorry, but I can't be much help with hosting suggestions.  There is a thread about free hosting, but I think it's pretty well out of date by now.

11-15-2009 20:03:13

Yeah, probably. "/ If I could pay for a host I totally would... ^^; Updated with the new file. c: Hope that helps to make more sense of this weird error. If not, I'll have to hunt for another server! Too bad OekakiArt doesn't host anymore. >:/ Are there any other sites that were like that one?

11-15-2009 08:46:19

Here's an updated "paintsave.php" that tries to identify what kind of data is actually being received by the server:  paintsave 1.4.3.  It's a permanent replacement, so you don't need to get rid of it later.

Once you upload it to the server, I'll try to draw another picture and examine what it saves.  I doubt there's a way to get OrgFree to work properly, but at least I'll have a better idea of what the server is doing.

I'm afraid I don't have any advice for hosting.  I pay for my web server, so I don't know what free servers work with the oekaki.

11-13-2009 16:06:03

Really? Dag nabit... >:T I really want my Oekaki back. ;_; Has there been any luck with other free servers? What about something like Angelfire?

And whatever that file in question is, I'd be willing to send it to you.

11-13-2009 02:19:13

I'm afraid OrgFree has a number of issues when it comes to file uploads, which has been covered in another forum thread.  I registered and tried up upload an avatar but it didn't work at all.  If avatars won't work, then the paint programs certainly won't, either.

What I find interesting is that the board isn't returning an error message that says the picture data is blank.  I'd be interested in figuring out what the server is actually getting, if you'd be willing to upload a special file.  However, it's unlikely that the upload problem can be fixed.  There really is no way to tell ahead of time if a server will be compatible with the oekaki or not.  More and more free hosts these days are clamping down on security and spam, and won't allow images to be uploaded.

BTW, it is possible to reset the picture count.  That also requires a special file upload, but it's easy to do.

11-12-2009 18:52:37

FTP/mySQL: Yes and Active

Hello, I was hesitant on posting. I finally found a host that works and started up my Oekaki for the third time (the previous hoster bailed without notice. >_>; ).

But something's wrong and I can't seem to submit an image once done. I tried to but it said it couldn't send. So I tried uploading and it said I had pending pictures. I checked the recovery and there were 4 blank ones. :/ I deleted them and proceeded to upload but nothing's there (just the "Pic #5" text). If I try to click that, the Lytebox just hangs on loading.

What did I do wrong? D: It worked fine the past two times. :c Also, since the post count is now messed up, is there a way to reset that without uninstalling / reinstalling the board? I'm picky and really hate messed up numbers. XD Especially with a new open of my board. ^^; I also can't upload an avatar.

Thanks in advance.

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