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Topic review (newest first)

05-05-2010 06:52:47

For the most part, switching to the new database layer simply requires swapping the prefix mysql_ to db_ on all the database statements.  Opening the database in boot.php is quite different, though.

So, to converting any custom code to the new database layer should be as simple as a search/replace.  This includes things like custom banners, statistics, birthday notification, and the like.

05-02-2010 17:40:39

I'm sorry to tell ya people, that this module was for an older version of wacintaki. It may work anyways with the new version if you achieve to modify the database properly. But installing it this may take away some progress the lastest version has, like features or speed boost or security, I dunno.
I will not mantain the mod, so if you really, really wanna use it you should downgrade to the proper version, but I don't really know wich one is.

04-29-2010 06:23:47

I'm gonna try that feature after I update my oekaki to WaxPoteto 5.8.0. smile

04-28-2010 11:31:38

Parka wrote:

6-Add at the end of line 323 this (If You are not sure how to do it, then do not continue and restore your to your backup) :


mysql_query ("ALTER TABLE `{$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix}oekakicmt` ADD
`responde_a` INT(11) NULL AFTER `PIC_ID`");

Hi, I think this would be a pretty cool feature. I'm a tad lost as to where to put that^ though. My attempts at implementing this failed, comments wouldn't send in.

02-05-2010 14:49:38

big_smile So, you did saw it!
Have you taken a look to the script? Any thoughts about?

02-05-2010 02:45:01

I have it archived on NineChime if you'd like to change the link to here: …

02-03-2010 19:58:59

I'm fully aware the link above it's not working. I'll get it hosted by the ASAP.

01-10-2010 12:50:32

Ok. This seems to work now. I implemented it in .

Made with an OOP approach. At least that's what I've tried.

For it to work, it just needs a little tweak on the database. In order to do so here are the instructions:
1-Make a backup.
2-Replace all original files by those I supply ( … ). And add arbol.php and dbconn.php in the main folder of your oekaki
3-Configure dbconn.php properly. This is a dirty solution, but it will work. If You are not sure how to do it, then do not continue and restore your to your backup.
4-Log out of your site
5-Make a copy of header.php.
6-Add at the end of line 323 this (If You are not sure how to do it, then do not continue and restore your to your backup) :


mysql_query ("ALTER TABLE `{$OekakiPoteto_MemberPrefix}oekakicmt` ADD
`responde_a` INT(11) NULL AFTER `PIC_ID`");

7-Log into your site as owner.
8-Replace header.php for the old one.
10-Give feedback. (If it's in spanish or french it will have some priority to me)

PD. It also has a fix on the adult content control. smile

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