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02-21-2010 03:41:10

It's working now! Thank you so much for the help! big_smile

02-20-2010 22:25:46

I took another look at the image you posted, and it appears that they have a dedicated computer for SQL, so "localhost" isn't going to work.  Try this:


Database Hostname:
Database Name:     (whatever you called it)
Database Username: p0_5089359
Database Password: (whatever you called it, or the same as your cpanel password)
02-19-2010 10:44:33

Hey thanks, I udnerstand slightly better now... I created a database, and managed to change the password for it...
Though when I get to the OekakiPoteto Installation page, I filled it in like this:

Database Hostname    - localhost
Database Name    - (database name)
Database Username     - (database user number)
Database Password      - (database password)

And of course it didn't work... what am I doing wrong? sad

02-18-2010 06:14:25

Yes, you'll need to create a database and a database username.  How to do this varies from server to server.  Basically, you log into your host account, and go to the section where you administrate "MySQL Databases" or something similar.  On some servers, your database username and password is the same as for the host account.  On other servers, you need to create a unique name and password to access the database.  Then, you just need to create a database and give it a name.  All this information is then typed into the installer.

The Database hostname is almost always "localhost", so you probably don't need to change that.

The encryption salt reduces the likeliness of someone hacking another person's account.  You should use some other unique 2-character code for the best results.  However, make sure you write down whatever you choose for the salt, because if you forget it, there's a possibility that nobody will be able to log in anymore, and they will have to create new accounts.  If that ever happens, I can help you fix it.

02-16-2010 19:23:14

Looks like you just need to go create a database now. Name your database whatever you want, and create a database user to access it. If you don't already know how to do that, the easiest thing to do would be to read the newbie manual.

02-16-2010 15:02:28

Ok, I feel stupid for posting two topics in a row... but I looked around a little and now I think I understand it better, and I think my host works...
I managed to get to the oekakipoteto installation page, but I'm a bit confused about which information to put where...
look!<--- image :0
I was given some information from the host site as i registerated (to the left), which I saved... do I need some additional information?
What are these prefixes and the encryption key? Could they be anything or does it have to be a certain... something?

I'd love some help... thanks!

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