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Topic review (newest first)

01-03-2011 03:25:14

When you signed up for the service, they should have provided you with a name and password to access your account information.  When you log in, somewhere in there it will tell you the url of your web site, along with other information you'll need, like your database information, and FTP login.

If you haven't already, you might want to check out the newbie guide in the Waintaki manual.  It explains things like FTP, MySQL, and other terms you'll need to know to set up the board.

If you're really stuck, I can set the board up for you, but it's good to know the basics so you don't run into trouble in the future.

01-02-2011 20:01:24
would this be it? if so im not quite sure what to
do from here

01-02-2011 15:08:01 doesn't seem to exist, and neither does

Are you sure they are registering a domain name for you?  Or are they just giving you a subdomain?

Domain names work like this:  Most "big" web sites have "www" as the subdomain for legacy reasons, but this isn't really necessary anymore, and web browsers will ignore it.  However, if your host has assigned a specific subdomain to you, you'll need to know what it is before you can install the oekaki.

My first guess was, but I guess they're doing something different.

01-02-2011 02:54:31


ive been trying to finish this all day but i have a problem.
i have the latest oekaki files downloaded and im using x10 hosting.
ive gotten so far but i seem to be stuck at this one part,
i need to go to my domain and complete everything from there but when i go to my site
it doesnt work and iv'e repeated over the instructions multiple times but i dont see
why its not working and iv'e become quite irritated.
in other words when i go to finish installing oekaki the site isnt working ( )
whats the problem?

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