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04-08-2011 02:44:38

Yep it's exactly what I did yesterday, but thanks for the answer.

( Problem solved )

04-07-2011 17:32:56

I have a solution (worked for me) open the file with NotePad++, then in the format menu, click on "Convert to UTF-8 without BOM". That's all dude. Simple isn't it ?

Anyway, Waccoon, it's a great thing that you've made support for utf-8, since now i can build my personal japanese translation C: !

04-07-2011 06:09:16

UTF-8 is a special text format that requires a text editor that supports multi-byte characters.

Notepad only supports 8-bit characters (either ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1255, I forget which), so you can't use it.  The oekaki requires UTF-8, where each non-ASCII character (letters with graves, accents, umlauts, etc.) requires 2 or more bytes, not just one.

If you write a file in Notepad, it may look like this:

That looks right in Notepad, but it won't show correctly on a web page.

In UTF-8, it will look like this in Notepad:

...but it will show up correctly in the oekaki.

04-07-2011 04:48:48

Thanks for the quick answer.

I know that I have to translate everything again because of the new variables. That's not a problem, I can do it my self.
The problem is that when I change the variable from the charset to ISO-8859-1, the content that is loaded from the DB don't have anymore the spécial characters who work, and when I change it to UTF-8, then the characters loaded from the DB work, but the characters from the language file don't work anymore...
To translate the variables I use Notepad ( available on every windows computer ), and I think the special characters should work, so, how can I fix the accents problem? ( àéèêç )

04-07-2011 01:24:05

Most of the language variables were changed in 1.5.6, so your old French language file will no longer work.  The character set was also changed from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.  If you send me your old French language file, I can convert most of it for you.  Send it to my e-mail here.

Most of the links and words will be fine, but the FAQ and some menus will need to be translated again.

To edit the new language files, you will need a text editor that supports UTF-8 text.  A simple editor is EditPad Lite, which is available in French.

04-06-2011 17:20:22


Since I upgraded to Wacintaki 1.5.6, I had to translate the language variables into french again.
The problem is that when charset is "utf-8" the following characters : "éèàÉÈÀç" don't work anymore but only on the variables from the french file, what is on the DB still have the characters who work.
And when I turn the charset into "iso-8859-1" then it's the characters from the language file who work and the characters from the DB who don't work anymore...

( In the DB the characters work every time, but it's when it load it on the page that it doesn't work anymore. )

Link of my Oekaki BBS Board :

( I don't translated the whole file into french because of the problem I found )

Thank you in advance.

( Sorry again for my bad english, I'm french )

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