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Topic review (newest first)

09-30-2011 18:54:19

How unfortunate.
Seeing as it's not possible to run my oekaki with money out of my own pocket, I guess it'll be on an indefinite hiatus.
Darling oekaki-ers, if you could help me out, I'll love you foreverrr!

09-30-2011 03:28:20

I think the age of free hosting is over.

09-29-2011 10:46:51

Hello, all! Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but..
I'm on the search for a new hosting site.
I had created a new site under 000webhost immediately after OekakiArt had gone down (however long ago that was!), and its services were fine, until..

Today I tried accessing my oekaki when I received the message:
"Suspended for violating 20%+ CPU usage limit for more than 1000 times. Please upgrade to our premium UNLIMITED hosting at to get your account reactivated.)"

hmm It was never stated in the ToS, there was no warning, and it's basically all a sham to get money out of us, considering they don't even restore your files. (Oh, did I forget to mention that?)
I also had another side - project oekaki in the works. Unfortunately, they deleted it due to inactivity. I suppose that was my fault. Just giving a heads up for those who take breaks.

It would really mean the world to me if you could send some suggestions for free web hosting sites! I looked around & all the pre - existing threads about free hosts seem to be outdated. I refuse to let my oekaki die. :'c

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