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Topic review (newest first)

Richard Wolf VI
03-17-2012 01:11:26

Thanks Wac! They've already reactivated the site. I've gave them your info anyway, just in case.

03-16-2012 07:12:44

Send them this:

From the software developer:

The functions.php file hosted in the account is part of the Wacintaki oekaki board system, a simple forum that allows users to upload images either through standard multi-part POST or via a Java paint program applet.  The main emphasis is to draw original pictures in the Java applet, though the board may be configured to allow image uploads.  It is widely distributed software comparable to, but not as sophisticated as, phpBB or Wordpress.  It is free software, and may be downloaded from (

The functions.php file is the main processing script for the image board and handles most POST requests.  It does not directly output any text to the web browser, but when finished it redirects to another local script.  It handles logins, HTTP redirects, processing of internal PMs, UTF-8 compatible e-mailing, comments, a simple text-based CAPTCHA, and error reporting.  There are internal limits for how many e-mails may be sent per instance, and input size limits for most POST requests.  All redirects are local.  There is currently no flood detection or word censoring implemented, though there is some prototype code for this.

For more information about Wacintaki, please contact the main developer, Marc Leveille, at

Richard Wolf VI
03-15-2012 03:53:09

Byesthost has suspended my site at

They have answered the following to my question on what to do to restore it:

Hi there,

Your account has triggered our systems abuse filter detectors and been suspended.


Please tell us what is the nature / content of this file / your websites?

Best Regards

I would like to give them a more technical response, apart from "It's a SFW imageboard". Given the suspicious file is from Wacintaki, I'd like to know how to give a proper answer to them. Thanks in advance!

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