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03-22-2012 06:34:55

Yeah, I'm holding off on the fancy stuff for now.

What I have at the moment reads the latest_pic.txt file and parses it into a keyed array.  I have a demo that works, but nothing "ready-to-go" that will just import into a blog.  I'm not used to JavaScript, so I'm learning as I go.

If you want to mess around with what I have, feel free.  Put it into your oekaki root folder to check it out (and change the file path to move it into another folder on your server).  I fell asleep after coming home from work, so it might be a few days before I can work on it again:  AJAX demo

03-21-2012 11:06:42

I can appreciate that you want a working thumbnail for this, but could that wait for a later version?

I'm sure some people will want to use it, but i wouldn't personally because i fear a miss-tagged adult pic may show up on it.

Personally, I want the tracker for my blog, and i think it'll only take javacript as an widget. (it's on

03-21-2012 06:45:57

Okay, I made another mistake.  Get the 1.5.11 alpha patch and it should fix the problem with the latest picture file not updating:

Either edit the name of the latest picture, or simply bump it.  The latest picture file should fix itself.

As for the JavaScript example, I just hacked up a basic AJAX script and it works.  However, I still need to make it a bit more friendly, and change it so it will work when the HTML page loads.  I originally thought people would use PHP/Perl for displaying the picture information, but doing it with JavaScript is easier (though less useful) than I thought.

The only catch is that a thumbnail isn't always available for each picture in Wacintaki, so making a clickable link with a thumbnail will be a bit tricky.  When I'm done with the JavaScript version, I'll start working on a PHP version.

03-19-2012 01:39:33

Sorry for the double post, but i actually just noticed, on my oekaki, using Wacintaki 1.5.10, the txt file did NOT update

it's saying the latest picture is OP_49.png, which i think was drawn before i updated to 1.5.10 but the lastest picture is OP_50.png

checked the control panel and i do have "Enable latest picture log" set to true.

also, just a thought, if the last picture is deleted for whatever reason, will the latest pic update to the latest one before the deleted one?

03-18-2012 06:37:32

Can we just get a javascript example of it?

Just the code to display :

Last drawing:
[title of picture] by [artist] on [date]

I mean, that's all I need, and I've kinda been waiting over a year for it.

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