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07-01-2012 03:29:42

Hey thanks for replying!  I had at first assumed that the virus popups might be because of the chat frames and I disabled it, but the false positives continue.  I'll try to research the problem to pinpoint what specifically is happening and attempt to correct it.  I'll post again if I can successfully do so, in case anyone else is having this problem.

06-30-2012 07:03:28

Wacintaki does not use any form of adspace.  I can think of a couple things that might cause anti-virus software to panic.

The first is the fact that the chat system uses an iframe so that the conversation can be updated continuously while a person types a message.  This system is many years old and other chat programs use something more modern.  The only workaround is to avoid using the chat room.

The second issue is that the oekaki does use window pop-ups to show certain types of information.  While modern browsers are okay with this method, many 3rd-party security programs are not.

I'm sorry to say that Wacintaki is almost 10 years old, and is long overdue for a rewrite to correct these issues.  Unfortunately, I don't really have the time to work on the board anymore, so I mostly fix small issues and bugs.  Redesigning all the templates is not very practical right now.

06-29-2012 14:34:47

I host my oekaki on my own webserver and lately some users claim to have been getting anti-virus warnings and popups wanting to block the oekaki.  As far as I can tell these warnings are false positives that are caused by an iframe.  Is it a placeholder for adspace?  Is there any way I can remove it?  Sorry if this has been answered before, I did my best to search the documentation and google but came up empty handed.

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