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04-01-2005 14:47:40

Yay! this worked great! Thanks alot!

03-31-2005 02:35:54

As far as I know, GD lib must be installed as a PHP module, not as a shell program.  The good news is, most builds of PHP have GD lib built in.

Open up your PHP.ini file (or whatever it is on the Mac), and search for the section "Dynamic Extensions".  Somewhere in there, you should see these two extensions REMed, as follows:


Just remove the semicolon.

CAUTION:  Make sure the exif library is BEFORE the gd2 library, or JPEGs may not work correctly.  EXIF is the guts of the "real" JPEG format, and not the stripped-down version known as JFIF.

Wax does a proper test of GD by checking for the existence of the library, so if Wax still complains GD isn't available, there may be something weird with your build of PHP.  On my Windows machine, it worked fine after I enabled the extensions.

03-30-2005 12:38:26

Hi There!

I recently installed Wax Poteto's new version over the previous version of Wax. I noticed it can do thumbnails so I decided to install GD. After the long install it still doesn't recognize gd lib on the server though. Am I doing something wrong?

heres my info:
Your OekakiPoteto Version: 5.4.6 (Wax Poteto mod)
Latest official OekakiPoteto: 5.1.0a

I'm running all of this on MacOSX Server 10.3


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