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01-22-2013 01:09:39

Sure, I can help you with that.  There's some specific info I'll need from you to get the site up and running, so you may want to e-mail me directly (click here) and I'll tell you what I'll need to get you started.  On top of the login for the hosting provider, I'll need the name you want for your oekaki account, what the title of the board should be, and so on.

Most hosting sites require you to configure you FTP account and database before you can use them.  I can set and compile that info for you, since it's important for you to know those things, in case your oekaki needs maintenance in the future.  At the very least, you should figure out how to use your FTP program.  I'll provide you with the FTP account details once I've set them up.

Now the important bit: which hosting services have you tried?  If you've registered with more than one, please list them all so I can check each one of them out.  I've heard quite a few bad things about FunPic, and I believe at one point oekaki boards wouldn't even work on that hosting service at all.  Whether or not an oekaki board will work with a free host or not is pretty much pot luck these days, so unfortunately I can't make any recommendations.

01-20-2013 23:43:14

I have been trying to follow the instructions to create and oekaki, i do not understand funpic's language and the other hosting sites are just confusing i have downloaded the oekaki stuff and the smartftp but i still cant seem to do it.

would it be asking to much if i asked someone else to upload the oekaki onto one of the many hosting sites i have joined ;_; i have tried on a couple different ones but i cant seem to find where i need to this.
i would greatly appreciate if someone can just set the oekaki up for me

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