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Topic review (newest first)

03-18-2013 23:25:55

siliconsara wrote:

As of yesterday MSN Live Messenger is closed, since Microsoft bought out Skype.  Here's a small lowdown: … -in-march/

I suggest replacing the MSN field with "Skype" instead, or at least "MSN/Skype" to avoid confusion.

MSN Messenger is actually being discontinued on 8 April 2013 and as far as I know, the MSP protocols will remain active until 15 March 2014.

03-17-2013 21:26:25

Yeah, almost all of those tags need to change.

03-16-2013 15:34:12

As of yesterday MSN Live Messenger is closed, since Microsoft bought out Skype.  Here's a small lowdown: … -in-march/

I suggest replacing the MSN field with "Skype" instead, or at least "MSN/Skype" to avoid confusion.

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