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03-18-2013 05:32:34

Actually, it appears that FunPic now works correctly.  The nasty ad banners are now gone, and the Java applets seem to run.

I'll wait to see if people can actually post pictures on your oekaki before adding FunPic to the whitelist again.

Anyway, your oekaki should be up and running.  Give it a try.  smile

03-18-2013 03:04:59

Oh! I just read / missed the part where you said funpic wont work before sending off my email! I am so sorry about that QAQ!
Do you know of any free hosting sites that would allow such a thing D:?
Honestly I have no idea about hosting sites- although I will research some now<3

03-17-2013 21:48:32

Sure, I could do that for you.  Provided, of course, that the host you've chosen will actually work with the oekaki.  More and more free hosts do not, because they will not allow Java applets to work.  If you're using FunPic, then I can tell you right now that it will not work with the oekaki.

If you don't already have a hosting account, let me know which one you are considering and I'll give you my opinion.

If you already have an account, you can e-mail (link) me the necessary login info.

The info I'll need:
- Control panel login to access the server.
- The FTP login info.
- The database password (if you set one.  If not, I'll make one for you).
- The admin login and password you want for your oekaki.  This will be your account on the oekaki board itself.

03-16-2013 22:44:36

Hello~ First of all I'd like to say thank you for all the help, I've been reading some guides, and for the most part they are all very well done!
However, I am just not computer savvy when it comes to such things.
I've been reading up on this for a few hours now, and attempting to upload my own Oekaki board to a server, but this just isn't my forte I suppose, A friend and I have been at this for a gooood while now with no prior knowledge to things such as SmartFTP and Funpic, all those things haha- I am shocked we got as far as we did! But we are just hitting dead end after dead end ;3;
I can understand FTP for the most part~ but the uploading and all that is just way over my head D:

I would love, if it isn't to much to ask if someone could upload the oekaki onto the hosting site I made today ;v;~?
I fully trust the mods/admins here~ And I'd have no issues giving the required details to someone who is willing to help me out<3

Thank you for reading!~

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