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Topic review (newest first)

04-16-2013 05:44:30

Hi there,

Thank very much! Both, notification mails and verification mails, work fine using the patch.

04-16-2013 05:03:38

If I set it up so that new registrations are confirmed by the users themselves, using e-mails with activation links, those aren't being sent, either.

This has always worked on my server.  However, I did find a bug that could cause PHP to throw an error on some servers but not others during the registration process, and the bug was in the same place as the code that sends the activation link.  I fixed the bug, and have a beta patch of 1.5.14 that you could try.

Wacintaki never sent e-mails to administrators notifying of new registrations when manual approval is enabled.  I have finally added this feature to 1.5.14, and it is active in this patch.

1.5.14 alpha patch

04-15-2013 08:56:09

Hi there,

Now that I've spent a couple of years without an oekaki board, I decided to set up the current version of Wacintaki again.

Everything is working fine, except for the e-mail notification upon registration of a new user. I have set everything up so that the board is not publicly accessible and users must be manually approved.

New users are correctly listed under the "View Pending" menu, however the e-mail informing me about new registrations is not being sent. If I set it up so that new registrations are confirmed by the users themselves, using e-mails with activation links, those aren't being sent, either.

However, if I approve or deny the registration of the new user, he is getting informed correctly via e-mail, which seems to indicate that the BBS e-mailer is in fact working.

I found 3 similar threads on here,  two of which were more than 5 years old and none got me any further.

Any ideas?

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