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Topic review (newest first)

06-10-2013 14:00:53

The "From:" is the problem, and has been removed from the new version.

The proper format for the "from" header in an e-mail is name <>, but of course you can just use the plain address without using a name.

06-09-2013 10:32:59

Fixed it by modifying common.php.


$from = "From: Oekaki <{$cfg['op_email']}>";


$from = $cfg['op_email'];

Sends email with my address now. It doesn't have a name, but I can work with this.

06-09-2013 10:15:47

I think the process is adding the from twice. When I check the headers it's using for the email, I find:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
From: From: Oekaki <>
X-Mailer: Wacintaki

06-09-2013 09:48:19

Well, the oekaki isn't actually on a subdomain. The is the name of the server my site's hosted on.

06-08-2013 22:03:18

That's strange.  If anything, instead of looking like this:


< Oekaki> myuser@mydomain.

...they should look like this:

Code: Oekaki <myuser@mydomain>

I have a feeling that Dreamhost may be adding the web address to the e-mail header because the board is hosted on a sub-domain.  It shouldn't do that, but I guess it is.

As a feature request, the "From" field has been changed to show the name of the oekaki board, instead of "Oekaki".  I also changed the header format and the encoding.  This should also fix the problem you're experiencing.

I expect 1.5.14 will be released next week, as I've been using the new version on my oekaki for a while.

Anyway, the UTF-8 encoder is a bit strange, since PHP doesn't encode e-mails correctly and I have to do it manually.  You start by using the w_mail() function, which then gets sent to utf8_mail(), which formats the mail and adds the headers.  All UTF-8 encoding is handled by the utf8_mail_encode() function.  Headers are encoded inline, while the message body has to be reformatted and properly wrapped to meet RFC 2822.  It's the line wrap encoding that makes things complicated.

06-08-2013 08:38:11

Good morning,

I've been having trouble with the email notifications from Wacintaki Poteto. The emails gets sent out successfully, but it looks like the headers get jumbled. When I get the emails, they appear from "< Oekaki> myuser@mydomain." It looks like somehow the server jumped ahead and joined with the From?

I appreciate any your help. I tried going trough the code, but the utf8 piece is new for me and I haven't been able to figure it all out yet.


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