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07-14-2013 19:20:54

Sure I can do that.  Just send the details to my e-mail address.

07-14-2013 04:28:21

Blessed Waccoon  a few months ago I tried to set up my own oekaki board but gave up at the installation part because I couldn't figure out what I did wrong.
And now, I've forgotten my account details for my previous funpic acc. so I set up a new one and at the moment I'm unable to progress any further because of my incredibly unstable internet connection that prevents me from even downloading SmartFTP...

My plea for help is that, if I give you my new funpic account details and other information if needed, can you set up and install the oekaki for me? I even have a mail for registration and all T_T
Thank you in advance.

PS: I have actually succeeded in installing a oekaki a year ago and know how to handle smartftp a little bit but the community in modding for wanted me to set up another oekaki board T_T and I kinda have trouble doing that because of my internet and confused mind.

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