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07-18-2014 05:54:13

Thank you.
I had not seen that s, since the domain change the accommodation is quite complicated.
Thank you again,
a greeting

07-18-2014 05:10:26

I e-mailed you a possible solution.  There appears to be a spelling error in one of the settings in your hacks file, so web browser cookies are not being set correctly.

07-17-2014 05:46:22

sent mail.

thank you very much

07-17-2014 05:38:10

Moving to a new host can be tricky.  In the "config.php" file, make sure the value of "op_url" has been changed to the new host's URL, and that the "salt" value is the same as it was on your old oekaki.  If the salt value is wrong, you won't be able to log in to your owner account.  These should be the only config values you need to change outside of the "dbconn.php" file.

Any other problems are probably due to a problem with "dbconn.php".  Each database is a bit different, and the database username might be what you expect it to be, since some host control panels will automatically add a prefix to your username without telling you.  Check your hosts's database control panel to make sure all the info is correct.

If all else fails, e-mail me a link to your new oekaki and I'll see what I can figure out.

If you can log into your owner account, but can't do much else or other people can't do anything, try looking at the diagnostics page.  You can find the link to the diagnostics page on the main menu after logging in to the owner account.

07-16-2014 12:43:13

Good afternoon.
I changed hosting transferring all files and database and modified dbconn need to change something else? logarme not allow.

Thanks for everything.
a greeting

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