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Topic review (newest first)

08-12-2016 07:11:39

Yep... I fixed the problem with ChickenPaint submitting multiple times.  I just have to check with the developer to make sure my change doesn't cause any conflicts with the GPL license used for the app, and then Wacintaki 1.6.4 will be released.

08-10-2016 10:22:42

I'm looking forward to version 1.6.4

Thank you. smile

07-29-2016 06:47:20

ChickenPaint is go!  Well, it's under evaluation, at least, and currently active on my demo oekakis, DTP and Coonikaki.  If everything proves stable, it will be added to 1.6.4 shortly.

There is one problem.  ChickenPaint allows artists to save an image multiple times while it's being edited, which results in a barrage of WIP images being saved to the server.  This has to be fixed before I'll consider it acceptable to bundle with Wacintaki.  I'll try to make a patch and submit it to Nick (the ChickenPaint developer) for consideration.

07-21-2016 22:32:05

The developer officially fixed this a couple days ago, and I have ChickenPaint up and running.  I'll be adding it to my demo oekaki in the next few days for evaluation.

I don't care too much about features -- if the app is reasonably stable and reliable, it'll probably work its way into Wacintaki soon.  :)

06-29-2016 20:26:42

I think i probably ran into a similiar issue, something like this?

fortunately, running something like that myself i was able to compile chickenpaint and play with it in the testbed. I might suggest giving it a shot if you've not heard from the creator on it.


06-25-2016 22:35:29

I came across this a couple months ago, but couldn't get it working at all (at least not with the bundled test example).  I see the project has been updated since then, so I'll take another look.

Edit: Still no luck.  I've been trying to build the project under Linux, but it keeps giving me a build error.  I'll try contacting the author for advice.

06-21-2016 21:27:22

Hi there,

Not sure if any of you came across this:

It's an HTML5 port of Chibipaint to javascript. Quite recent as well. I've been able to get the testbed working, but have yet to intergrate with wacintaki.

I was wondering if any of you might have come across it and got it working inside wacintaki? Any tips?



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