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04-03-2005 21:07:11

Most everything is located in functions.php, and I really cleaned it up recently so it should be easier to edit.

Do a search in functions.php for "@mail".  This is the command to actually send an e-mail.  Above it, you should see the declaration of three variables, "$mail_header", "$mail_subject", and "$mail".  The actual wording of these messages is the result of a cut-and-paste job with the language file.

Do not change the mail header.  The subject and mail (body) may be edited to anything you want.  Be aware that variables that might contain something other than letters or numbers that goes into a link must be wrapped with "urlencode()", or the links may not work.  Basic PHP syntax also applies, so if using double-quotes to delimit the variables, do not use double quotes in the message.  Use "\n" (backslash-n) to skip lines.  Variables should be enclosed in curley brackets or a syntax error may result.

Be careful.  Without PHP installed on your machine to test for errors, you'll have to make sure your modifications are perfect before uploading the file.

Example:  DO NOT do this


$mail = "Hi!  This is $BBStitle @ $okurl.

Click this link:  $okurl/theurl.php?vcode=$row['usrpass']&username=$username";

Example:  correct


$mail = "Hi!  This is {$BBStitle} @ {$okurl}.\n\nClick this link:  {$okurl}/theurl.php?vcode={$row['usrpass']}&username=".urlencode($username);
04-02-2005 08:23:40

hehe yes, well is there a way to edit emails sent from the board? *explained why on suteki* ^^

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