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Topic review (newest first)

03-07-2006 03:25:00


Well, the bad news is, I can't seem to find anything in the code that causes this problem.  The upload, draw, and auto-deleter all properly call the code to delete both comments and the picture.  I have no idea where this issue is coming from.

The good news is, the new version of Wacintaki uses a new sorting system so picture numbers are not recycled, so after an update to 1.3, this shouldn't be an issue, anymore.

Also, I finally added something that you may like:  customizable smilies.  I have 1.3 running on my own site at the moment, and it'll be released once I know there's no outstanding problems.

02-13-2006 09:14:45

sorry for taking so long. I was away for a bit.
the artist's own comments show up, (the title, description is changed to the newest artist, which is normal) but old comments appear along with it.

02-04-2006 11:56:31

Nope, yesterday I uploaded a picture then, suddenly like 10 commets appeared that were from like 3 months ago. ^^

02-04-2006 04:57:27

I can't seem to find anything.  The upload script calls "kill_picnumber()" properly before it writes a new post.

someone uploads a picture and it ends up with picture number 1 and the previous comments did not get erased from the old picture number 1

OK, so the pictures uploads fine, but the commets are not cleared out, right?

You're also talking about all of the comments, not just the comment from the artist (the first comment)?

01-31-2006 03:43:43

Oops.  Yeah, I think there's something missing in the code to clear out comments.  I'll look into it.

01-30-2006 22:17:37

Thank you I had nocticed that too. Although I have no suggestion to help. *dork*

01-30-2006 17:35:42

I remember this happening before, but I think when the picture numbers cycle, wakintaki or the database doesn't remove the previous comments that were left on the old picture when someone UPLOADS a picture of the same number???

For example:

picture 1 (not archived) was drawn in paintbbs and left with a few comments

the start of a new cycle...
someone uploads a picture and it ends up with picture number 1 and the previous comments did not get erased from the old picture number 1

hence! Confusion!


some code is missing to clear out the old comments? Or is this because of my database not updating?

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