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Topic review (newest first)

04-13-2005 13:08:16

I do not get spam, but can you give me a link to your place (email me), so I can see what kind of spam you get?  I have ideas how to deal with this.

04-08-2005 09:36:54

From both registered and non-registered would be cool. When I turned off guest posting, only two spam people registered. So, I guess its ok. But I think, as this script is getting popular, a some sort of spam-prevention might be needed. Either by blocking certain keywords, website addresses in the comment field or some how else. But thanks for reading smile

04-08-2005 03:38:23

Not easily.  There really is no untainting engine in Wacintaki at the moment.

Are you talking about spam from non-registered members?  I could make a hack to disallow links, or more than one link, from guest posts.

04-06-2005 21:13:57

I've been getting a lot of spam comments as of late. Is there a way I can block each comment that contains more than 2 links, or contains a certain list of URLs, or every person that has a certain username/website?


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