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02-11-2006 23:09:53

Wow. That is odd but I think I can see why that word would be filtered out. I would have never guessed but thank you very much!

Thank you for fixing the board whever I have problem. Thank you really really. ^u^

02-11-2006 20:32:56

I found the problem, and it has to be the single dumbest thing I've ever seen.

The title for picture 159 was making the server throw a tantrum.  Why?  I don't know, but a particular keyword causes the board to blow up.

This isn't a bug in NiftyToo (Wacintaki's equivalent to bbCode).  I can't reproduce the problem on any of my test boards.  There's nothing corrupt in the database.  The server just doesn't like "that" word.  I dare not say it here, just in case!  It must be evil or something!!!  yikes

Anyway, the board is fixed, and I'll e-mail my findings to you.

It would be nice to find out what the number "35" means.  I'll try looking on some PHP support forums to see if I can find anything, but I have a feeling that's a server-specific error.  UNIX servers are notorious for being very loud about erorrs, so just getting the number "35" and nothing else is very unusual.  I doubt your ISP would be much help, of course.

02-11-2006 14:35:54

There is access and error logs in the web account. It is on the 'Home' page for that account under 'Statistic.' Would you please login and look at what's wrong? I don't think I will be able to figure out things.. ^^:;;
Thank you.

02-11-2006 06:01:34

The hell?

This is some kind of internal error.  Your MySQL information is definatly correct, because I can see the memberlist just fine, and if I do a search for a specific artist, the index page shows just fine.

My guess is that one of the pictures (probably #159) wasn't inserted into the database correctly, and is causing the index page to barf when it tries to display that picture.

Do you know how to access the server's error log?  Some PHP information might be in there.

I also still have that old login you gave me.  With your permission, I could log in and run a few tests to see what I can find.  Most likely the information in the database must be verified, though I have absolutely no clue what the number "35" means.

02-11-2006 01:26:55

My oekaki board has been working fine until today, I believe. I first went to the web host center for help and they told me to configure php script with the right information. I am not sure if that will fix the problem, however, I dont' know how to configure php script. Last time I tried fixing something without knowing, I messed up the board a lot... So I haven't done anything.
This is what the host weh support said.
"Please make sure you have configured tyour php scripts with the correct MySQL details:"

My oekaki board is
Every other pages work. It seems like only the index page is not working. I was able to oekaki and submit it. I can also look at who is on. The index page however is white and blank, except for the ad banner on the top and number '35' which I have no idea what it means.

I think I am using Wacintaki 1.2.5 and it's fresh-installed oekaki. I haven't made any modification to the oekaki.

Where would I be able to fix this?

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