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02-20-2006 20:03:35

I know that the current version...doesn't work with the Sun Java plugin, but will Wacintaki really support the new version in the future?  Personally, I find it very useful...but I don't like having to use prt scrn to save my image to the  computer, then upload it.

My new oekaki board will have a modular design so, if someone makes a [lagal] OekakiBBS module, you'll be able to add it.

As for Wacintaki, there are legal questions.  I've been using OekakiBBS just because OekakiPoteto had it.  I dropped support for it not only due to the technical troubles, but also because I don't really have permission to use it.

The newest version of the applet, v2.802, may work if you copy the JAR file to your board.  But, you'll have to do that yourself.

EDIT:  Actually, the new applet has a security lock.  It won't work as a drop-in replacement.  Trying to hack it into Wacintaki is not recommended. this going to be in the next version?  Or should I give up hope?

Wacintaki will always have the framework for supporting OekakiBBS, but the applet is no longer distributed with the board.  Just copy the JAR file from Wacintaki 1.2.4 or OekakiPoteto to the /oekaki folder to enable it.

On your Features/Suggestion forum's "gentle" not "gentile" XD  I found that really funny~ because that's someone who's not Jewish.

Oops.  Don't you hate those kinds of typos?  I'll fix that.  wink

02-20-2006 10:31:20

I know that the current version...doesn't work with the Sun Java plugin, but will Wacintaki really support the new version in the future?  Personally, I find it very useful...but I don't like having to use prt scrn to save my image to the  computer, then upload it. this going to be in the next version?  Or should I give up hope?

BTW- On your Features/Suggestion forum's "gentle" not "gentile" XD  I found that really funny~ because that's someone who's not Jewish.  So you're really asking us not to be Jewish ^^"

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