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Topic review (newest first)

04-22-2005 21:47:39

phpMyAdmin may support a feature to duplicate a table under a different name, but I'm not sure about that.  Seeing how all the member profiles would get out of sync with each other, I'm not sure why you'd want to copy all the existing member information to a new table.

The best thing to do is probably re-install the board on top of itself, using the same database prefix but a different member prefix.  That would make a new member table for each board, but preserve the main database (pictures and comments).

04-22-2005 14:36:50

On the four boards I installed, all of them shared the same user database as well as cookies. I have fixed it now so that the boards do not share cookies, but I'd also like them to have different user databases while still maintaining the ones already entered into the database. I keep trying to change the user database variable and it keeps reverting to the original one.

Will I have to delete all of the boards and reinstall them?

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