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05-11-2006 05:47:44

Try setting the execute bits on the shiget.php file itself, or set it to 777.  Maybe Java is doing something that the server doesn't like.

If the server returns a 403 error when submitting a picture, the problem is not the pictures folder or the script itself.  The server is simply refusing to accept any picture data from the applet.

Sometimes I really hate UNIX.

05-10-2006 21:25:41

I just recently downloaded and installed the latest oekaki board, Wacintaki 1.3, and I'm still getting the same errors as before. It's really starting to grate on my nerves. I just can't figure this out.

Has anyone had problems with the Wax Potatoe of this nature? Cuz if not, I should prolly just switch over to that.

05-04-2006 15:44:35

Yeah, it's still not working. I wish I knew what was causing it. Ah well. Thanks for your efforts.

05-04-2006 05:18:49

Honestly, I don't get this error.  To get this problem within the applet means that the server is disallowing the picture data to be sent to the script, rathter than the script can't save the picture into the "pictures" folder.  This means there's a communication problem between the applet and the server.

Try setting the CHMOD number of the root folder higher (the "AdvancedOekaki" folder), since the Java applet is sending the data to a script located in the root folder.  Unfortunately, the applets don't use "proper" HTTP headers to do this, so that might be causing issues with picture sumbission from the applets, but not other kinds of HTTP requests (such as uploading pictures and posting comments).

If that dosn't work, I'm not really sure what to suggest.  You could try updating to Wacintaki 1.3, since it uses a friendlier way to send picture data to the server.

05-03-2006 21:36:01

I'm currently having a similar problem on my board. Only thing is, I've tried just about every different combination I can with the CHMod. I've tried having the folders set on 777 and 775 and 755. If I don't allow all permissions on the pictures folder, it tells me the picture folder is locked, so I have to leave it at 777 at all times (even though I've tried it without just to see if I could get the rest to fit).

I'm currently ripping my hair out in frustraition. I've been trying to fix it for almost 2 hours now. All three of my oekaki boards are having the same problem. I was able to keep them all working the first time I submitted a picture, so they were fine right after installation. When this problem arose, I tried reinstalling one board and re-doing all the CHModing, but the same error just kept coming up. The error message is the same as above: "Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL h ttp://

Please, if you have any ideas what might be happening, let me know.

04-05-2006 05:16:15

Try setting the CHMOD of your oekaki folder (the root folder) to 777 or 775.  If that doesn't work, try using 775 for the pictures, resource, and templates folders.  Some servers don't like 777 because they think it isn't secure enough.

04-04-2006 12:41:42

here's a screenshot of the error on shi painter
I have the permissions like this:
Resources Templates Pictures : 777
other dirs: 755
all php and java stuff: 664

04-04-2006 12:33:27

I think i messed something up (probably a CHMOD thing).
The board works properly but when i try to save my drawing with any of the applets i get an error 403.
I'm using the latest version of Wacintaki, just for the record what files need to be chmoded to what?

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