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Topic review (newest first)

04-26-2005 15:32:08

Thank you.  >XD

04-25-2005 23:18:11

Oops.  I'm afraid there is a typo in 5.4.6.  I'm glad you caught this today since 5.4.7 is ready for release.

Wax Poteto 5.4.7 update

Note:  this is a "no-delta" patch, and will update any version of Wax Poteto 5.4.1 and newer to 5.4.7.  Just copy all the files and that should fix the ShiPainter issue.  Also, ShiPainter Pro has been officially added.  The new draw screen (with the resizable preview), will be released in 5.5.

04-25-2005 15:45:08

Hi.  I recently upgraded to 5.4.6 (Wax Poteto mod), and something is wrong with the Shipainter Animated.  When I submit my picture, the comment page comes up, but the last picture I submitted appears and the one I just drew is lost.  Normal Shipainter works fine.  Perhaps there was some kind of a mistype in the upgrade?

My board:

Thank you.  I hope you'll be able to help me.

- Stephanie

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