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05-01-2006 00:51:01

Mod questions should be in this forum, and tech support questions should go in the other forum, because they deal with the "official" code.  Maybe I'll create a forum specificly for modding OP.

I'd like to package Wac 1.3 to upload it, so gimme a day to work on this.  I don't want to add this as a last-minute thing, now that this code is pretty stable.  smile

Essentially, here's the procedure:

When printing each mailbox message, you would do so in a form, and each line would contain something like "<input type="checkbox" name="del" value="{$mid}" />".  In functions.php, you would then parse "$_POST['del']" as an array full of message ID numbers, because if you have more than one input name in a form, they are all compiled by PHP's CGI handler into a 2D array.  Use "count($_POST['del'])" to figure out how many numbers there are, and use a loop with "intval ($_POST[$i])" to delete each message ID.  Using intval() is very important, for security reasons!

SQL doesn't really make it easy to do a batch delete, so a loop would be the easiest and safest way to do it.

Note that Wax Poteto 5.5.9 now allows you to send mass mails only to admins, which does help cut down on mailbox bloat.

04-30-2006 04:12:40

Woops.... I've posted this in the wrong section. O.o I think this was meant to go in the support section...sorry!

04-30-2006 00:12:05

I've been wondering about this too ^^
It would be a great addition or MOD. I'd love to know how too.

And yeah, Waccoon is great >3< *recommends WP and Wac to everyone*

04-29-2006 08:24:28

I've been a bit lazy, so I still haven't uploaded the fix for the ' thing in the usernames that you did for me ages ago. I have exams soon and so I have to revise and stuff....

So I'm still using the old functions for now from 5.5.8. Mass O-mail doesn't seem to be working, all I get is a blank page with "no mode" written on it. Any ideas on how I can fix that?

Also, I have this one thing which I'd love to intergrate into my board, but I have no idea how nor whether it'll be added in the later versions. In the mailbox, I'd love to have those little check boxes, so that I can delete multiple o-mail items by clicking a single button. It gets very tedious to keep clicking the delete button 50 times.
I think I'd be able to replace the 'delete' row with check boxes, as well as a button with the text of 'delete' written on it. Problem is, where to next? Do you think you have the time to help me out with this?

Thanks for all your help so far! I've already recomended your WP to a number of people; that's about the lest I can do to repay you for all the support that you've given me!

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