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Topic review (newest first)

05-01-2006 03:32:20

Does SmartFTP make a connection if you just get a file listing from the server?  Is your port 21 (default in most FTP programs)?  Are you uploaing to the proper folder?  Some servers call the web folder "web", "www", "public_html", or "home."  If you see it, "public_html" is preferred.

Try copying at least a few file individually.  Copying whole folders via FTP can be troublesome, especially if the session times out, as you won't know which files were fully uploaded and which were truncated.  FTP can be a real pest sometimes.

Also note that your oekaki folder doesn't have to be called "oekaki".  You can call it anything else, so long as the files (index.php) are in the root of that folder.

04-30-2006 03:18:17

Okay, I have everything downloaded (I think.. ) and in the right place and have a webhost (I don't know if it's a good one, though... ), I went to drag the Oekaki folder into SmartFTP, but it keeps saying:
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

Can somebody help me, please? It's making me want to rip my hair out.

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