NineChime forum

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Topic review (newest first)

04-28-2005 23:03:13

That's a common problem, actually.  The new installer for 1.2 will fill-in the URL automatically.

04-28-2005 18:41:21

lmao. Nevermind. Looked it up on and found my problem. ^.^

The url to my board was wrong. Instead, I had put in my domain and not the path to the board. My bad.

Feel free to shoot me, Waccoon. xD

04-28-2005 18:20:33

Yes, I'm having registration problems. Following the deletion and reinstallation of the boards, I opened automatic registration to my users so that they could .. well, re-register.

I have gotten several emails and instant messages saying that the activation links weren't working in the confirmation email. =\ Any ideas?

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