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05-21-2006 23:52:50

The directions for installation are the same for the Mac as they are for a PC, except for which program you use to upload the files to the server.

I'm afraid OSX doesn't have a built-in point-and-click FTP client that allows you to change the permissions of files.  A small list of Mac FTP applications is listed in the Wacintaki documentaion (manual.html).

Tip:  don't even bother with FTP Thingy.  I tried it on my Mac, and it doesn't allow you to change permissions of files, which is required.  You may want to start with Bulletproof FTP or the old Mac favorite, Fetch FTP.  Both programs are commercial, though, and have limited trial periods.  I've tried a bunch of free FTP programs for the Mac, and either they completely suck, or they don't let you change file permissions... a real shame.

05-21-2006 11:52:30

How do I install it?
I'm using Wacintaki 1.3. (The latest one)

I downloaded it, but now what do I do?
I have a Mac, so... sad

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