NineChime forum

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05-24-2006 19:14:01

Thankyou SO MUCH! X_X!

05-24-2006 04:17:24

Get v1.3.1.  Only a few servers have been having this problem, as it's yet another pesky registered globals issue.

05-23-2006 19:20:26

So, I updated my oekaki to Wacintaki 1.3, and was uber-excited to use the collab features.
I drew a few test images for each of the features, and tried to retouch them...but I got this instead!  Everyone on my board did! sad


When I try to upload it, it says 'null'...and won't do anything.

Everything else is in perfect shape...

Help me please!  How can I fix zees!

My Oekaki's URL:

[Edited by Waccoon -- Turned picture into link]

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