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Topic review (newest first)

05-27-2006 21:30:58

OekakiPoteto only disables guest posting by removing all links to "comment.php".  It's still possible to "hack" the board to add comments.  I just fixed that.

05-27-2006 07:40:52

btw, I just ran the updater and everything worked fine. I was having server issues last night and I suspect some of the files weren't uploaded properly. I'm going to upload your anit-spam addon big_smile

05-27-2006 07:29:44

Thank you SO much! I learned after posting that you created the new updated version with avatars and password/group drawing options (which I LOVE!--Thank you for making it & letting us use it!). I uploaded all the new files for the newer version and nothing appeared differently. So, I created another board at which is working fine. Just out of curiosity, do youhave any idea -how- the spammers were spamming when I didn't allow guest postings? That has my mind boggled.

05-27-2006 04:21:46

Wacintaki 1.3.1 has a couple anti-spam measures, which will work for the particular problem you're having.  You should be able to re-enable guest posting after installing the patch.  Here is the specific patch you'll need:

I'll e-mail you a file to flush the spam from your board.  That way, you won't have to delete everything one at a time.

Also, I'm not sure if you've noticed if you're always logged in, but the template seems to be broken (templates may change if you log out).  Make sure the standard language and template files are present on the server.

05-26-2006 20:27:38

Someone is managing to somehow spam my board using multiple IP addresses. To fix the problem, I disabled guests from being able to post, and yet somehow the spam posts are still coming! The URL is The nicknames to the spammers are italicized--Do you know what's going on?
Thanks in advance!

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