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Topic review (newest first)

06-14-2006 04:43:14

Oops.  I fixed this in Wax a while ago, but Wacintaki has been doing it wrong when set to "forced".  This will be fixed in 1.3.2.

06-13-2006 14:49:19


I've installed the Oekaki board just today.
(Good work by the way ^_^! It was really easy to set up)
I set the board to "No (forced)" for the registration approval setting.

However, when I test-registered, even though the message said "You can now log in",
when I tried it stilled returned me "invalid password or pending". I also got an e-mail
with the activation link.

I was under the impression that with the "forced", the user can log in immediately
after they register. Or is it that even with "No (forced)" chosen, the new user still has
to activate their own account via e-mail? Are there any overlooked settings that I can
tweak to change that?

Here's the link to my Oekaki board

Thanks a lot!

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