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Topic review (newest first)

05-19-2005 15:42:06

To make a picture invisible to the main index listing, change the "postlock" field in "oekakidta" to "0".  To make it visible again, change it to "1".

Wacintaki will automatically remind people to resume pictures if they try to draw a new one, so people can only have one hidden picture at a time.

There's two problems:

1). Picutres will not show up on page one when they are completed.  Index sorting must be changed from auto-increment to postdate to do this, which opens up a whole new can of worms.  Wacintaki 1.2 is overdue, so I'm not sure if I'll be doing that with the next release or not.

2). If someone does a retouch, there is no option to keep a picture invisible, so after the retouch, postlock will be set to 1.  This could be changed with some kind of drop-down menu.  "Post in new slot" or "Post in existing slot" may make it into 1.2.

I definately wouldn't bother with an unfinished flag.  "postlock" is the unfinished flag, so if you introduce a new unfinished flag, you have more than one database value to deal with.

05-08-2005 01:28:47

Well I've been working on an unfinished picture feature for my board but I haven't had any luck with the unfinished placeholder showing up. >.<; I edited functions.php, editpic.php, index.php, cpanel.php and editprofile.php and nothing's worked. Any suggestions on which file to edit? I know I need to edit index.php because I have to copy the adult code and alter it.

Oh and I also added the unfinished table into my oekakidta databse but it still isn't working, other than showing the "(Unfinished)" note underneath where it would say "(Adult)"

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