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06-20-2006 06:51:02

Ooh, I figured it out. Thanks. But now I'm having trouble with the MySQL Database. localhost isn't working, and now when I type in it tells me "Could not connect to the MySQL database.". I can't get to the installer now. ><

06-20-2006 06:47:05

I haven't used CoreFTP in a while, but if you right-click a file or folder, it will let you change the permissions.

If it uses names instead of CHMOD numers, files must be readable to everyone, writable to owner and group, and the execute permissions are irrelevant.

06-19-2006 07:47:49

So, uh..How do I CHMOD stuff? When I go to , it tells me to go to the installer, but when I click on it I get this:

"You need to CHMOD your main directory so it is writable (use 777 if you are not sure what to use).
You need to CHMOD the templates directory so it is writable (use 777 if you are not sure what to use).
The resource folder is present but not writable. CHMOD it so it is writable (use 777 if you are not sure what to use)."

I have no idea what to do. I'm very new to all of this. ;_;

EDIT: Oh, and my FTP client is Core FTP. smartFTP wasn't working at all for some reason so I picked an alternative.

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