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Topic review (newest first)

06-24-2006 17:08:24

Download Wax Poteto and copy the oekakibbs.jar file from that distribution into the root folder of Wacintaki on your server.  It should then show up on the Wacintaki draw screen.

Be aware that quite a few people will be asking you why they can't submit pictures.  It's because Sun Java doesn't work correctly with the applet, and people have to use the Microsoft Virtual Machine with IE, instead.  Microsoft VM does not work with Firefox or Opera, either.

06-23-2006 15:27:04

Wacintaki can still support oekakiBBS. It was removed form the download because of liscensing stuff. You need to download it off the net, and simply upload it to your oekaki directory. read the documentation txt files -- I'm sure I saw it in there!

06-23-2006 10:25:10

You'll see I have just installed this version, but, it only apears :

Shi-Painter Pro
PaintBBS, with palette

and not oekaki bbs ._.' and in the "demo" you se it has oekaki <_< please could you tell if it has oekaki, and how can I put it? please :3?

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