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Topic review (newest first)

06-27-2006 18:44:08



06-27-2006 02:56:31

I'll consider a new setting in the hacks file to allow this in 1.3.3.  It's easy to increase the number of safety saves, but people will only be able to resume a safety save if they go to the Picture Recovery menu, instead of the Draw menu.  This may confuse some people, so I'll do it properly instead of just doing a quick hack.

Be aware, that when combined with a generous safty-save time limit, a LOT of slots can be wasted.  Use with caution.

06-24-2006 21:40:49

Lousy code????

You gotta be kidding.  I think you've done a terrific job on it. Everything just works "right outta da box".

I was just wondering if there was an easy way to turn off the limit in safety saves, or at least up it a bit?



06-24-2006 17:03:47

Mostly to prevent too many safety saves which will clog the board.  Even though safety saves are not posted on the board, they use slots.  Also, safety saves are flushed out after a certain amount of time, so people should be encouraged to finish their art soon, rather than let it build up, or they will lose it completely.

Editing public images is a limitation I can't easily resolve, which is why the board will still keep track of how many safety saves you have.  I suppose that's a makeshift feature, as public edits are a bit more spontaneous than new art.

Or, maybe I'm just good at makeing excuses for my lousy code.  wink

06-23-2006 22:28:19

If you have an unfinished drawing, you cannot start another. However, you can pick up any number of public images to collaborate on and save them with the rest of your unfinished drawings.

Why the restriction on starting a new drawing?
Can I change this?


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