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07-03-2006 19:04:03

nvm.  I got it working ok.  The second oekaki had all the ban information in it and the existing hosts.txt and ips.txt files seemed to be screwing up the updates so I just created two blank text files to replace the existing ones.  Once the updates were completed and the oekaki was working properly, I just manually added the ban settings using the super admin control panel.

Nice update on the oekaki, btw.  Keep up the superb work!

07-03-2006 15:51:00

I didn't find anything on this problem so I'm hoping somebody will be able to help me fix this.

I was originally running two wacintaki 1.1.2 boards on a single database.  I followed the upgrade instructions to 1.3.2 and the updater seemed to work fine.  The first oekaki board seems to be working smoothly but the second oekaki gives me this error whenever I try to access index.php


Warning: fopen(/hosts.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in etc.etc./oekaki/oekaki2/banscript.php on line 31
WARNING: Hosts.txt cannot be opened!

Here's the code that contains line 31 ( $fd = fopen ($resourcepath.'/hosts.txt', 'r'); )


// File for hostnames.
    $fd = fopen ($resourcepath.'/hosts.txt', 'r');
    if (!$fd) {
        // Stops infinite loop!
        echo 'WARNING: Hosts.txt cannot be opened!';
    } else {
        // File is open and there are more names.
        while (!feof ($fd)) {

I've added both hosts.txt and ips.txt into the same directory that banscript.php (all 3 files are located in the oekaki/oekaki2/ directory) is in per the instructions but I still get the same message.  When I compare banscript.php from the first board that works and the second board that is "broken", they're totally different files.  I've restored my old oekaki and performed the update twice more but I get the same error message everytime I finish the upgrade.  Does anyone know what's causing this error and how to fix it?

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