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Topic review (newest first)

07-08-2006 15:04:42

Well, I'd have to disagree with you that Java VM is well-behaved.  At the low-level, Java does its job well.  However, Java has LOTS of problems with its graphics subsystem and GUI, and uses old, easily-broken graphics calls.  VM technology, or basing anything on software, allows companies to change the platform much more frequently.  I'll never understand how Java became so popular given that so many old Java programs fail to run at all on newer versions of the engine, and Sun has rewritten its security policies countless times.  Plus, it's way too big for what it can do.  Microsoft .net has similar issues.  I prefer Virtual Processors instead of Virtual Machiens, but there's no money in this industry unless you make a complete platform.

I actually haven't had too many problems with ShiPainter 1.114, asside from the color-picker issue.  Version 1.070 had huge problems, though.

07-08-2006 08:50:09

Just an update.  I thought that the slowness might have been from trying to use it while I was doing a render (which took about, oh, 100% CPU cycles), but I went back to 1.080 to 1.114 as a test, and it was just as lagged even with nothing going on locally, so there's definitely some issue with 1.114.  That's okay.  1.08 was always stable for me.  There's so many variables... I've got the latest Sun Java, but I've also got Marcello's pressure sensing applet, which might affect it.  *sigh*  THIS is why VMs will never displace traditional programming (I hope!).  And the Java VM is a particularly WELL behaved one.

I also notice that the "Title" section of the <head> tag is showing "OekakiPoteto" rather than "Wacintaki" (so that when it is bookmarked, people see "OekakiPoteto" in their bookmarks.)  A really trivial point, maybe, but you've done enough work on this, I think you deserve to claim your fork.  ADDENDUM:  DUH!  Nevermind, I found where I had totally spaced on setting that.

Heh, for a new name for the BBS, how about OekPLotor?  It has the advantage both of being unpronouncable, and referring to raccoons. :-)

07-06-2006 02:28:48

Yes, you can replace it with an older version, so long as it is the fully-bundled "shipainter_all" version.

07-05-2006 13:53:45

I'm using Shipainter 1.114, and I'm seeing some very weird behaviour, and I was wondering if anybody else is seeing this, or has seen it.  It is taking a very long time to bring up control panels when I turn them on -- 3-5 seconds.  This seems to be for shipainter and pro, both.  Some of the control panels do come up quickly, and if I dismiss them, the next time they might come up quickly. slowly, or never again.  The program doesn't seem to be frozen, because I can still draw, but the control panel section appears snarfed (and drawing isn't slowed down noticeably, even with pressure controls).

Is it safe to downgrade?  The older shipainter always worked well for me.

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